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40    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022


            AND ANALYSIS

                                                  MOF  (Inc.),  as  the  shareholder  of  the  special  right  redeemable  preference
            OVERVIEW OF EXIM’S BUSINESS           share,  has  the  right  to  appoint  no  more  than  four  members  out  of  the
            OPERATIONS                            maximum  12  members  to  the  Bank’s  Board  of  Directors  (the  Board),
                                                  including  the  appointment  of  the  Chairman.  Any  appointment  to  the
            The Bank’s legal and commercial name
                                                  Board  and  the  appointment  of  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Bank  is
            is  Export-Import  Bank  of  Malaysia
                                                  subject to the approval by MOF (Inc.). The Bank’s Board currently comprises
            Berhad,  having  its  registered  office
                                                  the  Chairman  (who  is  also  an  independent  non-executive  director),
            at  EXIM  Bank,  Jalan  Sultan  Ismail,
                                                  four other independent non-executive directors, and two non-independent
            50250  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaysia.
                                                  non-executive  directors  (one  being  a  representative  from  MOF  (Inc.)  and
            The  Bank  was  initially  established
                                                  the other being a representative from MITI).
            as  the  “International  Division”  of
            Bank  Industri  dan  Teknologi  Malaysia
                                                  BuSINESS OF THE BANK
            Berhad (BITMB) and was subsequently
            incorporated  on  29  August  1995  as   The  Bank  is  the  only  Development  Financial  Institution  (DFI)  in  Malaysia
            a  government-owned  Development      dedicated  in  promoting  the development  of  cross-border ventures  through
            Financial  Institution  (DFI),  under  the   the provision of financing and insurance/takaful facilities to Malaysian entities
            Companies  Act,  1965  of  Malaysia,   conducting  their  business  overseas.  As  an  agency  owned  by  MOF  (Inc.)
            through  it  becoming  a  subsidiary  of   and  now  under  the  purview  of  MITI,  the  Bank’s  mandated  role  is  to  provide
            BITMB. As a DFI, the Bank is governed   credit  facilities  to  finance  and  support  export  and  import  of  capital  goods,
            by  the  Development  Financial       services,  infrastructure  projects,  shipping  and  value-added  manufacturing,
            Institutions  Act  (DFIA).  It  was  then   by facilitating the entry of Malaysian companies into new markets abroad with
            spun off as an independent institution   an  emphasis  on  non-traditional  markets,  where  there  is  limited  participation
            in 2005 to function as a standalone DFI   from commercial banks. The Bank also provides export credit takaful services,
            focused  on  export  credit  activities.    overseas investments and guarantee facilities.
            On  30  December  2005,  the  Bank
            merged  with  Malaysia  Export  Credit   The  Bank’s  clientele  consists  of  locally  incorporated  corporations  and  SMEs,
            Insurance Berhad, retaining the name   as  well  as  foreign  companies  and  selected  foreign  governments.
            Export-Import  Bank  of  Malaysia     The  Bank,  in  its  export  promotion  efforts,  collaborates  with  the  Government
            Berhad.                               and  its  agencies  such  as  Ministry  of  Investment,  Trade  and  Industry  (MITI),
                                                  Malaysia  External  Trade  Development  Corporation  (MATRADE),  Malaysian
            As at 31 December 2022, the Bank had   Investment  Development  Authority  (MIDA),  Small  and  Medium  Enterprise
            an issued and paid-up share capital   Corporation  Malaysia  (SMECorp),  Construction  Industry  Development  Board
            of  RM  2,958,665,284  comprising  the   Malaysia (CIDB Malaysia), Halal Development Corporation (HDC) and TERAJU.
                                                  The  facilities  offered  by  the  Bank  fall  into  two  principal  categories:
                   2,708,665,282                  banking facilities and credit takaful facilities.
                  ordinary shares owned by
               Minister of Finance Incorporated   BANKINg FACILITIES
                       (MOF (Inc.))
                                                  EXIM Bank has established a wide range of Islamic and conventional financing
                    1 ordinary share              facilities to cater for the financial needs of its borrowers. Among the banking
                  owned by Federal Lands          facilities offered by the Bank are as follows:
                 Commissioner of Malaysia
                                                   Cross-border term financing
               1 special right redeemable
                 preference share owned by        The Bank provides overseas project, contract and investment financing facilities
                        MOF (Inc.)
                                                  to  Malaysian  contractors  or  investors  to  undertake  projects  overseas  such  as
                    250,000,000                   manufacturing, infrastructure and other developmental projects and financing
                Redeemable Cumulative and         to Malaysian companies engaging in the supply of Malaysian goods and services
                Convertible Preference Share      and making investments overseas. Buyer credit facilities are offered by the Bank
                  (RCCPS) owned by MOF            to provide opportunities to Malaysian exporters and contractors in bidding for
                      (Incorporated)              overseas  jobs  and  contracts.  The  financing  is  extended  directly  to  a  foreign
                                                  government or foreign buyer to facilitate the import of Malaysian goods and
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