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38    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022


                                                     Our targeted financing portfolio is aligned strategically to five key sectors
            STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENTS IN FY2022          identified  under  the  National  Investment  Aspirations  (NIA)  initiative.
                                                     The sectors are electrical and electronics, pharmaceutical, digital economy,
           Egypt & IsDB Member Nations               aerospace and chemicals – high impact industries that can cascade holistic
                                                     benefits, from attracting more foreign investments to creating quality and
           The  Islamic  Development  Bank  (IsDB)  had   high-skilled  employment  opportunities  for  locals,  and  strengthening  the
           organised the Private Sector Forum in Egypt   country’s competitiveness.
           for  its  members,  which  provided  a  good
           opportunity  for  EXIM  Bank  to  promote   In  the  context  of  Islamic  finance,  we  have  clarified  our  stance  of  staying
           our  “Islamic  First”  financing.  The  four-day   true to our mandate and established an Islamic-first policy, whereby Shariah
           forum  provided  a  unique  platform  for  the   compliant  suite  of  solutions  will  be  offered  first  to  help  our  customers
           Bank  to  network  and  establish  business   execute projects.
           relations and partnerships with other
           leading  representatives  and  stakeholders   A  fresh  commitment  is  also  being  made  to  our  takaful  and  insurance
           from the business community by sharing    business  to  complete  our  service  offerings,  as  per  our  mandated  role.
           related  experiences,  success  stories  and     Last but not least, we are tracking the performance of our regional offices
           best  practices,  while  jointly  exploring   in  Penang,  Kuching  and  Johor  and  encouraging  further  outreach  to  their
           investment and trade opportunities offered   local business communities. Targets have been imposed for every initiative
           by member countries.                      outlined for greater clarity and impetus.
                                                     ACCELERATINg DIgITAL CAPABILITIES
           The  highlight  for  the  year  was  EXIM  Bank
           being given the honour to organise the    The post pandemic phase has changed lifestyle expectations and demands,
           27th  Annual  Meeting  of  Asian  EXIM  Banks   and realised a new norm of business operations. Digitalisation is the new
           Forum  (AEBF),  hosting  40  delegates  from   way of life as 90% of transactions are now online-based. FY2023 sets a new
           11 member countries representing our peer   stage  for  the  Bank  to  re-strategise  and  rebuild  our  business  by  adopting
           banks  and  international  trade  organisations     digitalisation  to  create  new  platforms  for  financing.  We  recognise  that  to
           in  Asia.  The  three-day  event  themed     date, we have lagged on this front and thus, accelerating our digital journey
           “EXIM   Banks’   Role   in   Facilitating     is of utmost priority.
           Sustainable  &  Resilient  Business  Growth
           and Partnerships Post Pandemic” convened   A year-long strategic plan was launched to assess current gaps and put
           the  delegates  to  undertake  a  collaborative   in  place  clear  targets  to  ramp  up  digital  readiness.  The  implementation
           effort in mitigating the challenges of the   of  a  core  banking  system  that  can  deliver  well  within  today’s  rapidly
           post-pandemic  economy.  It  proved  to  be  a   escalating  digital  landscape  is  a  critical  step  forward.  We  have  identified
           pertinent and crucial forum for members   the  specifications  and  capabilities  we  want  and  are  set  to  fortify  our
           of  the  EXIM  community  to  deliberate  and   infrastructure with the appointment of the right vendor in 2023.
           evolve  to new  possibilities  in facilitating
           sustainable and resilient business growth   ADVANCINg SuSTAINABLE STRENgTHS
           via  collaborations.  These  partnerships  and
           collaborations can continue to grow in    Globally,  the  sustainability  of  business  products  and  services  and  their
           increasing our cooperation post-pandemic   Environmental,  Social  and  Governance  (ESG)  impacts  are  now  of  key
           and play a much more crucial role in      significance.  Exporters  must  invest  in  developing  strategies  that  promote
           tackling global issues such as climate change   and  adopt  ESG  principles  in  their  production  process  and  global  supply
           and addressing the funding gap.
                                                     chains to meet changing market requirements.
                                                     EXIM Bank has initiated a step to develop an ESG framework in order to
          DRIVINg gROWTH PRuDENTLY                   evaluate all financing proposals in the light of ESG. This framework will be
                                                     our anchor to measure the impacts of our financing projects.
          Moving forward, we have a single-minded focus
          on  portfolio  growth  and  mix.  This  approach   It is imperative that the Bank internalises the measurement of ESG impacts
          is underscored by mindfulness that we have   in all we do. Steps taken in this regard include everything from evaluating
          limited resources and these must be optimised   our proposals, business governance and operations, including investments
          by  channelling  them  to  the  right  beneficiaries.     in corporate social responsibility (CSR).
          We  are  making  prudent  moves  on  this  front
          through enhanced processes to select the        More details on our CSR can be found on page 46.
          most  deserving  companies  and  entrepreneurs.
          Supporting  those  who  possess  better  potential
          for success is in line with our aspiration to grow
          global and regional champions.
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