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36    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022




          Our Purpose

          2022 was a time for EXIM Bank to fully pivot back towards our mandate
          within a new post-pandemic environment. This comes after two years of
          disruption and our transient shift towards helping the government ensure
          businesses survive through pandemic challenges. Coming on board in

          August 2022, my focus for the Bank has been to review and refresh our
          strategies, reconnect with our stakeholders and revitalise our workforce
          in readiness to make our mark as the nation’s preferred financier and
          advisor for global business.

          FY2022 FINANCIAL REVIEW                               Net impaired loans reduced to 11.7% from 12.2% previously,
                                                                and  structured  recovery  action  against  defaulters  continues,
          Domestic  recovery  was  steadfast  in  2022,  recording  the   as  the  Bank  takes  steps  to  safeguard  asset  quality,
          highest annual growth rate since 2000 with GDP growth of   through more prudent allocation of resources.
          8.7%. However, the pace of global growth slackened due to
          a combination of various factors including higher-than-usual   More details on our Strategy can be found on pages
          inflation resulting in tightening of financial conditions in most   42 to 44.
          regions, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, supply chain disruptions,
          as  well  as  prolonged  COVID-19  pandemic,  which  continued   RECONNECTINg WITH STAKEHOLDERS
          to sporadically weigh on the wellbeing of both people and
          economy.  Given  the  uncertainties  within  global  markets,    The  first  vital  move  towards  growing  our  portfolio  requires
          it was definitely a challenging year for EXIM Bank to rise again   bridging business relations with existing and potential
          as the “Preferred Cross-Border Financier”.            customers,  and  the  local  and  international  government
                                                                agencies.  EXIM  Bank  positively  initiated  this  transformation
          We  had  to  change  our  focus  during  the  pandemic  and  it
          is now time to get back on track. As the only Development    through  personal  meetings  and  visits  with  local  agencies,
          Financial  Institution  (DFI)  mandated  by  the  Malaysian   by  actively  participating  in  various  trade  events,  talks  and
          government to promote the development of cross-border   exhibitions.  This  “inside-out”  strategy  is  to  increase  the
          ventures,  the  Bank’s  role  remains  vital  to  facilitate  the   awareness  of  EXIM  Bank’s  existence  and  our  products
          competitiveness of Malaysian businesses. Therefore, the main   offerings  to  the  public.  The  approach  helped  to  create
          task of the Bank in FY2022 was to re-establish our commitment   relationships,  strengthen  ties  and  generate  trust  with  the
          to  our  mandate.  By  analysing  and  reviewing  gaps  in  our   Bank’s existing and potential customers.
          mandate  delivery  performance,  we  have  realigned  our  focus   Therefore,  FY2022  was  distinguished  by  EXIM  Bank’s  active
          and are now set on course to aggressively grow our portfolio   market  outreach  strategy  within  Malaysia  and  across  several
          and contribute to nation building.
                                                                international  borders  (see  Box  Story).  Having  taken  the
                                                                step  to  rebuild  relationships  within  our  business  ecosystem,
          EXIM’s  financial  performance  for  the  year  was  impacted
          by  prolonged  contraction  of  our  gross  loans  and  financing    EXIM Bank is confident of creating and delivering sustainable
          portfolio  and  two  significant  impairments.  We  recorded    value  creation  for  our  stakeholders  once  the  clouds  have
          revenue for RM228.1 million in FY2022 from RM174.7 million    cleared on cross-border opportunities in the near future.
          in  FY2021,  and  a  loss  of  RM66.5  million  compared  to
          profitability at RM51.1 million in FY2021.
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