Page 33 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        31

                                                Qualifications                      Experience
            WAN NOORAZLI                        •   Bachelor  of  Law  (LLB)(Hons),  University  of   Wan  Noorazli  started  his  carrier  with  EXIM
                                                                                    Bank  in  2010  as  an  Executive  and  worked
                                                  London (External)
            MAULA WAN                           Responsibilities                    his  way  up  the  ranks  throughout  his  tenure.
                                                                                    In  the  12  years,  he  has  experience  in
            SULEIMAN                            Wan  Noorazli’s  role  is  to  provide  legal   facilitating cross-border financing for Malaysian
                                                advice  on  all  legal  related  matters,  such
            Head of Legal                       as   contracts   and   service   agreements,     business,  as  well  as  funding  to  sovereign
                                                                                    governments.  This  includes  negotiating  and
                                                and  vetting  of  legal  documents  made  on   dealing  with  customers  in  private  sectors,
                                                behalf  of  the  Bank  to  protect  EXIM  Bank    as well as government institutions on financing
                                                from any legal implication.
                                                                                    and/or  insurance  matters  within  parameters
                                                                                    determined by the Board.
                                                He  also  provides  legal  advisory  to  the
                                                management   team   and   other   internal   He  is  also  experienced  in  conducting
                                                stakeholders  to  ensure  awareness  of  liability,   investigation  in  respect  of  suspicious  loan
                                                risk  and  implications  of  any  corporate     application  in  Malaysia  and  overseas,
                                                decisions made.
                                                                                    for  example  in  Singapore  and  Indonesia.
                                                                                    He  also  leads  the  Legal  Department  in
                                                He  manages  complex  legal  and  compliance
                                                projects  that  have  transversal  impacts  on   strategising  on  litigation  matters  and
                                                operating  businesses  within  EXIM  Bank  to   facilitating  in  preparation  for  court  matters  for
                                                mitigate  any  adverse  impacts,  and  works  to   the bank in Malaysia and foreign jurisdictions
                                                strategise and initiate legal action for and on   together with the bank’s external lawyers.
                                                behalf  of  EXIM  Bank  through  panel  lawyers,
                                                in  any  business  dispute  that  the  Bank  is
                                                involved in.

            THANGAMANI                          Qualifications                      internal  audit  activity  effectively  to  ensure  it
                                                                                    adds value to the Bank through its deliverables.
                                                •   Bachelor of Economics (Hons), University of
                                                  Malaya, Malaysia
            RAJAGOPAL                           •   Certified  Internal  Auditor,  the  Institute  of   He  also  leads,  coaches  and  guides  staff  on
                                                                                    technical  skills  related  to  Internal  Audit  to
                                                  Internal Auditors                 ensure  audit  deliverables  are  in  accordance
            Chief Internal Audit
                                                                                    with  standards  and  meet  stakeholder
                                                Responsibilities                    expectations. He sets and assures that internal
                                                Thangamani  acts  as  the  Chief  Internal  Audit   audit  resources  are  appropriate,  sufficient,
                                                with a fiduciary duty to the Board of the Bank.   and  effectively  deployed  to  achieve  the
                                                He is directly accountable and responsible for   approved audit plan.
                                                all audit and assurance related matters, where
                                                he is required to set up and effectively execute   Experience
                                                audit  control  strategies,  frameworks  and   A  highly  experienced  auditor  and  banker  for
                                                governance  processes  and  operations  across   the last 38 years, Thangamani has been with
                                                the Bank. He also provides advice and support   the  widely  known  merged  entity  of  CIMB
                                                to BAC and Management on good corporate   Bank,  since  1985.  His  last  held  position  at
                                                governance and risk management practices as   CIMB  was  Managing  Director  and  Strategic
                                                well as recommends improvements on control   Project  Director  of  Group  Internal  Audit
                                                processes.  Steering  changes  and  strategising   Division.  In  addition,  during  his  tenure  with
                                                the adaptation of the annual risk-based audit   the  CIMB  Group,  he  was  also  appointed
                                                plan  to  ensure  effective  implementation,   the  Chairman  for  the  Board  of  Controllers
                                                Thangamani  also  drives  and  directs  the     (Audit Committee) for CIMB Vietnam.
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