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30    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022


                                             Qualifications                      designing  and  implementing  the  overall  risk
          CHIN YING JACK                     •   Chartered   Accountant   (CA),   Malaysia   management  process,  Jack  Chin  reviews
                                               Institute of Accountants (MIA)
                                                                                 and  prepares  risk  reports  to  the  Board  and
          Chief Risk Officer                 •   Financial  Risk  Manager  (FRM),  Global   Management  Risk  Committees  respectively,
                                               Association of Risk Professionals (GARP, US)  as   well   as   provide   recommendations
                                             •   The  Association  of  Chartered  Certified   for appropriate risk mitigation.
                                               Accountants, Affiliate (ACCA, UK)
                                             •   Bachelor  of  Accountancy  (Hons),  Universiti   Experience
                                               Putra Malaysia                    A   qualified   chartered   accountant   and
                                                                                 financial  risk  manager,  he  has  over  20
                                             Responsibilities                    years   of   working   experience   in   the
                                             With  a  fiduciary  duty  to  the  Board  of  the   financial   services   industry   in   Malaysia,
                                             Bank,  Jack  Chin  is  accountable  for  all  risk   as  well  as  abroad  with  a  strong  background
                                             management related matters. He is responsible   in  risk  management.  Prior  to  EXIM  Bank,
                                             for  the  setting  up  and  effective  execution  of   he  served  in  the  Portfolio  Risk  Management
                                             risk  management  strategies,  frameworks  and   of  Standard  Chartered  Bank,  overseeing
                                             governance  processes  and  operations  across   the  Group  Risk  Appetite  and  Portfolio  Risk.
                                             the  Bank.  He  also  leads  the  assessment  of   Among  his  other  notable  positions,  he  has
                                             enterprise  risk,  credit  risk,  operational  risk,     also  served  as  the  Senior  Vice  President,
                                             business  continuity,  market  risk  and  Shariah     Risk  Portfolio  Management  for  RHB  Banking
                                             non-compliance   risk   to   safeguard   the   Group,  as  well  as  Head  of  Market  Risk,
                                             Bank’s  risk  profile.  Aside  from  planning,   OSK Investment Bank.

          SAFIDAH                            Qualifications                      are  within  prescribed  governance  and
                                                                                 risk  frameworks.  As  Chief  People  Officer,
                                             •   Bachelor of Human Resource Management
                                               (Hons), Universiti Utara Malaysia
          MOHD TAHIR                         •   Accredited Competency Professional (ACP),   she  steers  the  Management  Team  on  plans
                                                                                 that  shape  and  sustain  a  culture  of  high
                                               Institute of Leadership & Management  performance  while  providing  support  on  all
          Chief People Officer
                                             •   Project  Leadership  Certification  (PLC),   aspects  needed  for  the  delivery  of  human
                                               PIKOM                             capital related goals. She also has a fiduciary
                                             •   Leadership  Development  Program  (LDP) ,   duty  to  the  Board  of  the  Bank  in  relation  to
                                               Center  for  Creative  Leadership  (CCL),   human capital management.
                                               Singapore (2018)
                                             Responsibilities                    Safidah has over 20 years of human resources
                                             Safidah  is  responsible  for  formulating  the   experience.  Prior  to  EXIM  Bank,  she  served
                                             Bank’s  human  capital  strategic  plan  and   Sapura Energy Berhad as its Human Resources
                                             overseeing  its  successful  implementation.   General Manager. She has held various human
                                             This  encompasses  all  aspects  of  talent   resource  related  portfolios  across  multiple
                                             management  and  development,  succession   industries,  including  KPMG  Consulting  (M)
                                             planning,  compensation  and  benefit  and   Sdn  Bhd,  Bank  Muamalat  Malaysia  Bhd,
                                             the  operationalising  of  a  high-performance   Radicare  Sdn  Bhd  and  Ranhill  Engineers
                                             work  environment.  She  ensures  that  the   &  Constructors  Sdn  Bhd.  She  is  a  guest
                                             human   capital   framework   sustainably   speaker  for  MBA  Leadership  Development
                                             supports  the  Bank’s  overarching  mandate   Class for MBA students under UKM, Graduate
                                             and  that  its  demands  and  operations   School of Management.
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