Page 36 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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34    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022


          Supporting  inclusive  growth,  the  Bank  provides  outreach   Management System during the year under review was a
          and advisory support by way of engagements with industry   critical  step  forward  in  ensuring  EXIM’s  continued  evolution
          associations,  such  as  Malaysian  International  Chambers  of   as  a  responsible DFI.  The  establishment  of  a  comprehensive
          Commerce & Industry (MICCI), Malaysia South-South Association   Environmental,  Social  and  Governance  (ESG)  Framework  is
          (MASSA),  the  Federation  of  Malaysian  Manufacturers  (FMM)   also in the pipeline towards a future driven by positive impacts.
          and the MITI’s agencies, such as MATRADE. EXIM also works
          to  support  the  unique  needs  of  minority-owned  businesses,   OUTLOOK FOR FY2023
          providing hands-on guidance on how to qualify and access
          EXIM financing in order to grow their exports.        The  challenges  and  uncertainties  in  the  global  economy  are
                                                                expected  to  continue.  Despite  the  uncertain  environment,
          During  the  year,  the  Bank  also  continued  to  support  CSR   the  Bank  is  committed  to  steadfastly  step-up  efforts  to
          initiatives that uplifted underserved communities and foster   provide  support  needed  by  companies  to  stay  resilient.
          awareness on environmental issues.                    The  Board  will  ensure  effective  oversight  in  all  undertakings
                                                                by the Bank in ensuring that sound and prudent policies and
              Refer  to  Specific  Disclosure  on  Developmental
                                                                practices  are  upheld,  and  that  obligations  to  shareholders
              Performance on page 43 and CSR report on page 46.
                                                                and stakeholders are met.
          MAKINg STRIDES IN gOVERNANCE AND                      Proactive  measures  to  be  taken  towards  potentially  affected
          SuSTAINABILITY                                        sectors  have  been  outlined  within  the  strategy  going
                                                                forward.  These  include  focusing  on  strengthening  supply
          As  the  ultimate  steward  of  the  Bank,  the  Board  rigorously   chains and support towards improving national self-sufficiency
          steers  the  Bank  towards  good  governance  and  practices   through  vendor  financing  programmes.  Support  will  be
          that  fortify  a  sustainable  future  for  all  our  stakeholders.    provided  not  only  in  terms  of  financing,  but  also  includes
          The  Bank’s  implementation  of  a  sound  Anti-Bribery    guiding them to becoming export-ready companies.
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