Page 41 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH         SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        39

            REVITALISINg OuR WORKFORCE                             The  national  impetus  is  for  MSMEs  to  contribute  25%
                                                                   (11.7% as of 2021) to the nation’s export by 2025 as set under
            The development of our human capital is equally vital at this   the  12th  Malaysia  Plan  and  the  National  Entrepreneurship
            juncture  to  ramp  up  the  Bank’s  competitive  performance   Policy  (DKN).  We  look  forward  to  financing  growth
            and  accelerate  progress.  A  strong,  motivated,  capable  and   opportunities  that  will  come  from  Budget  2023’s
            empowered workforce is the key driver of our set strategies.   announcement  of  several  financing  schemes  for  small  and
                                                                   medium enterprises (SMEs) worth RM3.5 billion, which will be
            An  open communication  culture  is  being  cultivated  on  the   disbursed by various agencies, including EXIM Bank.
            ground  to  encourage  direct  feedback  to  top  management.
            Quarterly  townhall  sessions  have  resumed,  wherein  the   EXIM  Bank  is  poised  to  provide  financial  support  and  help
            Bank’s strategic direction and goals are being communicated.     develop the business acumen of local entrepreneurs or
            This  is  accompanied  by  intensified  investment  in  human   exporters  to  international  levels.  The  Bank  has  allocated
            capital development, through training and certified upskilling   RM1.0  billion  for  the  Exporters’  Development  Incentive
            programmes.  At  the  same  time,  we  seek  to  strengthen   Scheme, or “Skim Insentif Pemampanan Pengeksport” (SIP2)
            the  Bank’s  culture  of  integrity  at  all  levels  and  adherence   to  facilitate  SME  export  aspirations.  The  attractive  financing
            to  core  values,  through  ongoing  series  of  awareness  and   offers up to RM10 million in funding, at subsidised financing
            internalisation initiatives. Towards this end, in October 2022,   rates  for  up  to  seven  years.  This  affordable  funding  rate
            the Bank implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System to   would  encourage  exporters  to  find  new  markets  for  their
            uphold a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bribery and     products and further increase the capability of SMEs as
            corruption, in compliance with ISO 37001:2016 certification.  exporting companies in the long term.

                                                                   We  are  cautious  though  of  impending  risks  in  the  global
            OUTLOOK FOR FY2023
                                                                   environment,  such  as  recession  in  major  economies,
            Looking  back,  the  year  2022  was  truly  an  outstanding   escalating  interest  rates,  disruptions  to  supply  chain  which
            milestone  for  Malaysia’s  trade.  Ranking  among  the  world’s     will  impact  local  businesses  as  well  as  continued  and  new
                                                                   geopolitical tensions. Thus, the Bank will continue to evaluate
            top-25  (Source:  Matrade  Dec  2022  Making  Malaysia  Great
            in  Trade)  trading  nations  and  in  the  top-5  for  ASEAN   and assess the risks within targeted markets to facilitate the
            countries, Malaysia recorded the fastest annual growth rate in   entry of Malaysian exporters.
            Southeast Asia, surpassing IMF’s and World Bank’s projections
            of  5.4%  and  7.8%  respectively.  Domestic  exports  grew     GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION
            25%  year-on-year  to  a  record  high  of  RM1.6  trillion  in  2022
            (2021: RM1.2 trillion), where trade surplus reached an all-time   The  Ministry  of  Finance  (MOF),  Ministry  of  Investment,
            high at RM255.1 billion, 0.6% higher than the preceding year.   Trade  and  Industry  (MITI)  as  well  as  Bank  Negara  Malaysia
            This is the 25th consecutive year of trade surplus since 1998.  (BNM)  play  vital  roles  in  ensuring  the  Bank  delivers  its
                                                                   mandate,  and  the  Bank  thanks  them  for  their  continued
            The export expansion was underpinned by strong exports   commitment  and  collaborative  efforts.  Our  appreciation
            of  electrical  and  electronic  (E&E)  products,  liquefied  natural   also  extends  to  our  stakeholders,  customers,  associates  and
            gas  (LNG),  petroleum  products,  as  well  as  crude  petroleum.   partners,  with  whom  we  have  forged  a  resilient  ecosystem
            Meanwhile,  exports  to  major  trading  partners  notably     through mutual gains.
            ASEAN,  the  United  States  (US),  the  European  Union
            (EU)  and  Japan  recorded  strong  double-digit  expansion.     Finally, my deep acknowledgement and appreciation goes out
            Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia were the top three export   to the members of the Board for their invaluable support and
            destinations  in  ASEAN  for  2022,  accounting  for  78.3%   counsel,  as  well  as  to  the  stalwart  EXCO,  management  and
            of  Malaysia’s  total  exports  to  ASEAN.  Significant  export     staff of EXIM Bank, particularly our frontliners, who continued
            expansion was also registered to emerging markets, such as     to serve our customers throughout these extraordinary times.
            Costa  Rica,  Kenya,  Egypt,  Nigeria,  Ghana  and  Iraq.
            Further,  exports  to  Free  Trade  Agreement  (FTA)  partners   I am grateful for the opportunity to steer EXIM Bank to greater
            showed an upward trajectory with a new high value after two   heights  and  look  forward  to  further  enhancing  its  role  as  a
            consecutive  years  of  contraction.  (Source:  Malaysia  External   leading  Development  Financial  Institution  for  cross-border
            Trade Development Corporation).                        financing and insurance for the country.
                                                                   Thank you.
            As  Malaysia  continues  to  pursue  greater  international  trade,
            there  are many  opportunities  that can  be  leveraged  over
            the next three to five years. Opportunities brought about by     ARSHAD MOHAMED ISMAIL
            greater  globalisation  and  regional  economic  integration   President/Chief Executive Officer
            through  Regional  Comprehensive  Economic  Partnership   EXIM Bank Malaysia
            (RCEP)  and  Comprehensive  and  Progressive  Agreement
            for  Trans-Pacific  Partnership  (CPTPP)  will  further  solidify
            Malaysia’s position as a strong and reliable trading nation.
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