Page 37 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH         SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        35

            Opportunities are also expected with the reopening of    I  would  like  to  convey  my  sincere  appreciation  to  my
            China’s  economy,  which  is  anticipated  to  have  positive   fellow  Board  Members,  Shariah  Committee  Members
            cross-border  spillover  to  trading  partners  like  Malaysia.     and  EXIM  Bank’s  top  management  for  steering  the  Bank
            In addition, trade agreements like the Regional Comprehensive   on  course  towards  diligently  discharging  our  mandate.
            Economic  Partnership  (RCEP)  and  Comprehensive  and   To all EXIMers who have dedicatedly served through thick and
            Progressive  Agreement  for  Trans-Pacific  Partnership  (CPTPP)   thin,  thank  you  for  staying  the  course  and  helping  the  Bank
            offer opportunities for local SMEs to penetrate and to expand   meet the challenges of recent years. Your loyalty is recognised
            their businesses, as well as diversify their supply chain with the   and appreciated.
            participating countries.
                                                                   Last  but  not  least,  as  a  development  bank  for  the  past
            To  that  effect,  the  Bank  is  poised  to  intensify  efforts  in   28  years,  EXIM  Bank  has  also  been  consistently  supported
            serving the underserved segment of SMEs and Commercials.    and driven by the policies and schemes introduced by the
            Hence  the  Bank  will  work  towards  delivering  its  mandate  in   government.  My  sincere  gratitude  goes  out  to  all  our
            capturing these financing opportunities which will further help   stakeholders – the Ministry of Finance (MOF), MITI and BNM,
            the Bank in making its mark in the industry.           for their ongoing and continuous guidance and assistance.

                                                                   Thank  you  to  all  who  have  been  a  part  of  our  journey  to
                                                                   date  and  we  look  forward  to  reaching  greater  heights  and
            The past years of pandemic turbulence have shifted the Bank   further enhance EXIM Bank’s role as a leading Development
            slightly  off-course  our  core  mandate.  As  businesses  resume   Financial  Institution  for  cross-border  financing  and  insurance
            normal  operations  and  industries  continue  to  evolve,  it  is   for the country.
            important that EXIM realigns its focus with the right strategies
                                                                   Thank you.
            on  portfolio  growth,  service  efficiency,  workforce  productivity
            and adaptability to thrive and make our mark. This will drive us
            into the next phase of growth.                         DATO’ AZMAN MAHMUD
                                                                   EXIM Bank Malaysia
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