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32    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022





          Dear Stakeholders,

          In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

          Geopolitical tensions continued to impact global recovery in 2022,
          but it was a revitalised year of recovery for Malaysia as our nation

          recorded encouraging GDP growth of 8.7% for 2022. This was anchored
          on recovery of business, consumer and investor confidence as a result
          of the transition to the endemic phase post COVID-19. For EXIM Bank
          Malaysia Berhad (EXIM or the Bank), it marked a shift back to full focus
          on our mandate and a period of strengthening our foothold in a new era

          of global volatilities and sustainable business aspirations.

          On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am privileged to present to you

          EXIM BANK’s annual report for the financial year ended 31 December

          THE YEAR IN REVIEW                                    Having  sustained  impairment  losses,  the  Bank  thus
                                                                placed  priority  on  diligent  credit  management,  while
          The challenges for 2022 were defined by the Russia-Ukraine    maintaining  focus  on  growing  loans  and  financing  portfolio.
          hostilities  and  the  resulting  supply  chain  disruptions.   More opportunities were sought through strategic alliances
          Earlier  in  the  year,  the  prolonged  COVID-19  pandemic   with  other  Development  Financial  Institutions  (DFIs)  and
          season also continued to cause uncertainty in several   other  Export  Credit  Agencies  (ECAs),  and  there  was
          countries.  As  a  result  of  these  hurdles,  the  global    continued investment in transforming people and technology.
          economy expanded at a slower pace despite the gradual
          reopening  of  nations  and  markets  throughout  2022,    Where  investment  in  people  is  concerned,  I  take  this
          which  is  appropriately  reflected  by  the  IMF  GDP  growth   opportunity   to   welcome   Arshad   Mohamed   Ismail,
          estimation of 3.4% as compared to 2021’s 6.2% estimation.   who  was  appointed  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer
                                                                of the Bank effective 1 August 2022. We look forward to his
          Malaysia  however,  recorded  one  of  the  fastest  growth  rates   experience,  especially  in  the  areas  of  corporate  banking,
          in  Southeast  Asia  and  robust  export  trade  activity,  which   debt  capital  market,  Islamic  finance,  asset  management  and
          grew 25% from RM1.2 trillion in FY2021 to a record high of    development finance in effecting the change that EXIM needs
          RM1.6  trillion  in  2022.  Trade  surplus  was  achieved  for   at this point in time. The Bank is now focused on dynamically
          the 25th consecutive year and was at an all-time high at     renewing  industry  engagements,  restrategising  for  portfolio
          RM255.1 billion. That said, Malaysia’s headline inflation during   growth,  improving  operational  efficiencies  and  revitalising
          the  year  increased  to  3.3%,  leading  Bank  Negara  Malaysia   high performance service delivery.
          (BNM)  to  raise  Overnight  Policy  Rate  (OPR)  four  times  at
          25bps each to 2.75% in 2022.
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