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28    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022



                                             Qualifications                      Experience
          ARSHAD                             •   MBA, London Business School, England  A seasoned banker, Arshad is an experienced
                                             •   LLB. (Hons.), International Islamic University,
          MOHAMED                              Malaysia                          professional  with  expertise  in  corporate
                                             •   Advocate & Solicitor, High Court of Malaya  banking, debt capital market, Islamic finance,
          ISMAIL                             •   Chartered  Banker,  Asian  Institute  of   asset management and development finance.
                                               Chartered Bankers                 He  has  worked  in  several  jurisdictions  and
          President/Chief Executive Officer                                      different types of organisations, making him a
                                             Responsibilities                    highly sought after, adaptable, and perceptive
                                             Appointed  on  August  2022  as  the  President   professional, as well as a prolific speaker.
                                             and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  EXIM  Bank  of
                                             Malaysia,  Arshad  Mohamed  Ismail  is  looked   Arshad  was  a  pioneering  member  of  CIMB
                                             upon  to  guide  and  lead  the  Bank  to  fulfil  its   Islamic, with an initial business focus in Sukuk
                                             mandated  role  as  a  Development  Finance   transactions,  earning  the  bank  a  name  for
                                             Institution  (DFI),  and  vision  in  becoming  the   ground-breaking Islamic finance deals.
                                             preferred  Financier  and  Advisor  for  global
                                             business.  He  is  well-experienced  for  this   He lists BPMB, Maybank Islamic, International
                                             role  having  served  as  the  President/GCEO   Islamic  Liquidity  Management  Corporation,
                                             to  successfully  enhance  the  performance   Al  Hilal  Bank  (Abu  Dhabi),  Aayan  Capital
                                             of  another  DFI  prior  to  this  appointment.     (Jeddah)  and  HSBC  Amanah  (Dubai),
                                             Among  others,  his  priorities  are  to  ensure   amongst  the  organisations  he  has  served  in
                                             control  and  governance  at  all  levels  in  the   various leadership and management roles.
                                             organisation, driving business growth, as well
                                             as improving stakeholder engagement.   Arshad  is  a  certified  Chartered  Banker  with
                                                                                 the  Asian  Institute  of  Chartered  Bankers
                                                                                 and  was  elected  to  the  SC-OCIS  Fellowship
                                                                                 in  Islamic  Finance  at  the  Oxford  Centre  for
                                                                                 Islamic Studies in 2015.

                                                                                 Prior  to  his  current  appointment,  he  was
                                                                                 the  President/GCEO  of  Bank  Pembangunan
                                                                                 Malaysia Berhad (BPMB) and was instrumental
                                                                                 in elevating its performance on all fronts.

         NORLELA                             Qualifications                      Bank’s  operations  and  encourages  process
                                             •   Bachelor’s  Degree  (Hons)  in  Accounting  &
                                                                                 improvement  initiatives  while  adhering  to
         SULAIMAN                              Finance De Montfort University in Leicester,   governance  and  risk  frameworks.  She  also
                                                                                 leads  the  workforce  towards  continuous
                                               United Kingdom
         Chief Operating Officer             •   Fellow member of Association of Chartered   growth  and  development  in  ensuring  a  high
                                               Certified Accountants             performance culture.
                                             •   Member   of   Malaysian   Institute   of   Experience
                                               Accountants (CA)
                                                                                 Norlela  has  more  than  25  years’  experience
                                             Responsibilities                    in  Financial  Industry.  She  started  her  career
                                             Keeping abreast with the latest developments   as a credit analyst in Kwong Yik Bank Berhad
                                             of  the  financial  industry,  Norlela  drives  the   (now  known  as  “Maybank  Berhad”)  in  1996.
                                             business  transformation  and  growth  for  the   In  August  1998,  she  joined  Pengurusan
                                             Bank.  As  COO,  she  leads  and  oversees  all   Danaharta  Nasional  Berhad  and  served  in
                                             operational activities and ensures the delivery   the  national  asset  management  company  for
                                             of  quality  services  to  internal  clients  while   7  years  in  the  areas  of  financial  accounting,
                                             ensuring  optimum  spend  and  compliance   reporting, financial management, taxation and
                                             with  regulatory  as  well  as  bank  policies  and   treasury.  In  January  2005,  Norlela  joined
                                             procedures.  She  has  a  fiduciary  duty  to  the   Prokhas  Sdn  Bhd  to  become  Head  of
                                             Board of the Bank and is directly accountable   Finance  and  Treasury.  She  joined  EXIM  Bank
                                             and responsible to the P/CEO of the Bank for   in  November  2008  as  Head  of  Finance  &
                                             a  variety  of  initiatives  including  formulating   Treasury  Division  and  redesignated  to  Chief
                                             and   implementing   business   strategies,    Financial Officer in 2010 & Finance Director in
                                             plans  and  operations  for  effective  delivery   2020.  Subsequently,  on  16  September  2021,
                                             of  services  to  support  the  Bank’s  Mandate.   Norlela  was  appointed  as  Acting  Chief
                                             She  provides  advice  and  support  to  the  the   Operating  Officer  and  currently  holds  the
                                             management  team  on  all  aspects  of  the   position of Chief Operating Officer.
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