Page 31 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        29

                                                Qualifications                      policies and procedures, tools and mechanisms
            DR. LIZA MYDIN                      •   Executive  Education,  Sustainable  Finance   to  strengthen  sustainability  governance  and
                                                  and ESG Investing, Leonard N. Stern School
                                                                                    meeting the country’s sustainable development
                                                  of Business, New York University   agenda.
            Chief Strategy Officer              •   Post-Doctoral Fellowship, George Washington
                                                  University, Washington DC         She  facilitates,  drives  and  monitors  the
                                                •   PhD in Islamic Finance, INCEIF   execution  of  the  strategic  plan  and  ensures
                                                •   Chartered Islamic Finance Paper, INCEIF   broad  cohesion  for  the  Bank’s  strategic
                                                                                    priorities by playing a critical role in supporting
                                                Published Books (Author/Co-Author)  the  Senior  Management  Team  towards
                                                •   Handbook  of  Analytical  Studies  in  Islamic   delivering  strategic  goals.  By  monitoring
                                                  Finance  &  economics  (2020),  De  Gruyter   the  Bank’s  performance  levels,  she  provides
                                                  Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston        constructive recommendations on intervention
                                                •   Resource Rich Muslim Countries and Islamic   plans,  within  the  prescribed  governance  and
                                                  Institutional  Reforms  (2018),  Peter  Lang,   risk frameworks, to ensure the achievement of
                                                  New York                          the agreed business objectives.
                                                •   Reformation  and  Development  in  the
                                                  Muslim  World  (2017),  Palgrave  Macmillan,   Experience
                                                  Switzerland                       Dr.  Liza  has  over  14  years  of  experience
                                                                                    in  the  Islamic  Financial  Services  sector
                                                Responsibilities                    which  began  with  her  consultant  role  at
                                                Dr.  Liza  keeps  abreast  with  the  latest   PricewaterhouseCoopers  advising  global
                                                development of the financial industry as well   Islamic  Financial  Institutions  in  the  areas
                                                as  the  changing  landscape  of  the  market  in   of  governance,  project  management  and
                                                order to drive the business to the next level.    development  of  strategic  frameworks.
                                                She  steers  the  Bank’s  strategic  direction   She  moved  into  the  Islamic  banking  sector  in
                                                and  drives  decision-making  that  creates   2010  and  concurrently  pursued  post-graduate
                                                medium- and long-term improvement. She is   studies  in  Islamic  Finance.  Dr.  Liza  has  also
                                                also  tasked  to  create  strategic  partnerships   authored and contributed towards an extensive
                                                with  government  bodies,  partners  and  key   range of articles, frameworks and publications,
                                                stakeholders  in  order  to  facilitate  strong   covering  vital  topics  in  the  fields  of  Islamic
                                                working  relationships  that  will  enable  the     Finance and Sustainable Investments.
                                                Bank to grow and better support its clients.
                                                                                    Prior  to  joining  EXIM,  she  was  leading
                                                As  part  of  her  fiduciary  duty  to  the  Board,   a  Social  Impact  unit  at  Maybank  Islamic
                                                she is directly accountable and responsible to   Berhad  the  largest  Islamic  bank  in  ASEAN.
                                                the CEO of the Bank for a variety of matters   She  is  passionate  about  advancing  equitable
                                                including  strategy  formulating,  business  plan   financial solutions and social impact finance as
                                                crafting,  market  and  trend  analysis  at  global   she  believes  in  the  principle  that  the  world’s
                                                regional and local levels, bank-wide roadmap   resources  have  to  be  managed  and  financed
                                                development, crafting of corporate scorecards   in way that would ensure no one person is left
                                                and  interlinked  business  line  scorecards  and   behind  and  all  individuals  across  generations
                                                metrices  to  support  the  Bank’s  overarching   gain equal benefits.
                                                Mandate. This includes developing frameworks,

            NURBAYU                             Qualifications                      guidance to the leaders of the Bank’s business
                                                •   ACCA (1999), Dublin Business School
                                                                                    lines  and  encourages  process  improvement
            KASIM CHANG                         •   Diploma in Accounting (1997), Mara Science   initiatives  vis  enhanced  relationship  nurturing
                                                                                    and building initiatives with customers and the
            Chief Business Officer              •   Certified Credit Professional   market  at  large  whilst  adhering  to  approved
                                                •   Certification in Islamic Development Banking  governance and risk frameworks.
                                                Responsibilities                    Experience
                                                Nurbayu, as Chief Business Officer, spearheads   Nurbayu  has  over  23  years  of  experience
                                                the  banking  business  as  well  as  formulates   in  the  banking  industry.  Prior  to  joining
                                                business  strategies  and  plans  so  as  to   EXIM  Bank,  she  was  the  Chief  Business
                                                achieve the Bank’s top and bottom line goals.    Officer  of  SME  Bank.  She  had  joined  SME
                                                Her   responsibilities   include   developing,   Bank  in  2013  as  the  Head  of  Kota  Kinabalu
                                                formulating   and   implementing   business   Enterprise Centre and worked her way up to
                                                strategies  and  plans  for  business  banking   Senior  Vice  President  of  Head  of  Enterprise
                                                in  tandem  with  developments  in  domestic,   Banking  Division  before  being  appointed
                                                regional and global markets to drive revenue   Chief Business Officer. Earlier she served with
                                                and growth.                         CIMB Bank for 14 years, beginning her career
                                                                                    as an Executive Officer in Commercial Banking,
                                                She is accountable for revenue generation as   Sabah  in  1999  and  climbing  the  ladder  to
                                                well as constant financial margin enhancement   Senior  Vice  President  and  Region  Head  of
                                                for solutions, products and services offered to   East Malaysia & FT Labuan by 2010.
                                                the  Bank’s  customer  base.  She  also  provides
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