Page 46 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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44    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022


          To  achieve  the  stable  growth  and  sustainability  of  the  Bank,  three  strategic  thrust  has  been  established  as  the  key  pillars  of
          EXIM  Bank’s  strategy  preparation,  namely  Capturing  Growth  &  Building  Stability,  Operational  Excellence  and  Sustainability.
          These three thrusts are expected to drive the Bank to enhance its mandate deliverable for FY2023. The key strategic thrusts
          will be driven by ten priorities that will steer EXIM Bank to achieving its target for CSP 2023.

                 Capturing Growth &                      Operational                         Sustainability
                  Building Stability                      Excellence

          •  Accelerate business growth       •  Improve end-to-end processes     •  Sustainability culture
          •  Accelerate of Insurance/Takaful   •  Capacity building
           business                           •  Asset quality management
          •  Optimise Balance Sheet management  •  Framework
          •  Collaboration with other banks & DFIs  •  Cost management

          Capturing Growth and Building Stability is highly relevant to the Bank’s current condition, whereby a stronger asset growth
          is  needed  as  the  Bank  aspires  to  do  more  for  the  Malaysian  business  venturing  abroad,  particularly  the  commercial  and
          SMEs segments. The Bank is also looking into addressing its efficiency in undertaking various processes in achieving Operational
          Excellence for its services. As part of its long-term plan in serving the able Malaysian and facilitating the National agenda in
          building  a  trading  economy,  the  Bank  is  having  its  foresight  in  adopting  Sustainability in its operation by introducing
          frameworks to govern its deliverable including those frameworks that were introduced at national level, such Environment Social
          Governance (ESG).

          The Performance Management Framework (PMF) is an outcome-based management tool, which acts as a guide in developing
          and  evaluating  the  Bank’s  performance  in  delivering  its  mandate.  PMF’s  key  differentiator  is  its  robustness,  where  it  captures
          the broader contributions of Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) beyond the narrow focus of financing growth indicators.
          In particular, PMF integrates developmental key result indicators to measure the socio-economic impact of DFIs’ operations and
          to create strong incentives for strategic alignment to achieve greater development impact.

          The  adoption  of  PMF  is  also  intended  to  strengthen  the  capacity  and  capability  beyond  conventional  financial  indicators  by
          factoring in the socio-economic impact of the DFIs. The PMF would be centred on the principles of additionality with the following
          main purposes:
          •   Sharpen DFIs’ focus towards delivering socio-economic outcomes and development; and
          •   Create a consistent and structured performance measurement approach across all DFIs.
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