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          62    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        63

            STATEMENT OF



          The  Board  of  Directors  (Board)  of  Export  Import  Bank  of  Malaysia  Berhad
          (EXIM  Bank  or  the  Bank)  is  committed  to  upholding  the  principles  and  best
          practices  of  corporate  governance  and  adheres  to  the  Bank  Negara  Malaysia’s
          (BNM) Corporate Governance Policy Document (CGPD), and primary legislative and
          regulatory  provisions.  The  Board  remains  dedicated  and  committed  in  its  efforts  to
          build an environment of trust by continuously promoting transparency, accountability,
          responsibility and integrity in its decision making process to achieve the Bank’s long
          term  growth  strategies,  maximise  shareholder  value,  protect  the  interest  of  the
          Bank’s stakeholders, ensure continuous sustainability and to set a solid foundation
          for the Bank to carry out its mandated role as a Development Financial Institution.

          The Board also recognises the Board Charter as an important governance tool and guiding document that sets out the Board’s
          strategic intent and outlines the roles and powers that the Board specifically reserves for itself, and those which it delegates to
          the Board Committees and Senior Management. The Board delegates certain functions to Board Committees, which comprises
          of members of the Board and these Board Committees operate within clearly defined Terms of References primarily to assist
          the Board in the execution of its duties and responsibilities. Nevertheless, the Board remains fully accountable and responsible for
          the actions and decisions carried out by the Board Committees.

          The  Board  Charter  adopted  by  the  Bank  took  into  consideration  the  Board’s  roles  and  responsibilities  (both  collectively  and
          individually),  powers,  fiduciary  duties,  integrity  and  functions  as  provided  for  in  the  Development  Financial  Institutions  Act
          2002 (DFIA 2002), Companies Act 2016, Constitution of the Bank as well as other primary legislative and regulatory provisions
          applicable  to  the  Bank.  The  Board  Charter  also  includes  principles  and  best  practices  of  Corporate  Governance  advocated
          under BNM CGPD and the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (the Code).

          The following are key Corporate Governance practices adopted by the Bank as per its Board Charter:

          Roles and Responsibilities

          The Board acknowledges Corporate Governance is vitally important to the business of the Bank and is committed and steadfast in
          the application of Corporate Governance principles in all its business dealings with its stakeholders.

          The Board together with the Management is focused on the overall strategic direction, development and control of the Bank
          in an effective and responsible manner. The Management is also responsible for the running of the Bank’s business operations,
          general activities and administration of financial and non-financial matters guided by the established delegated authority from
          the Board.
          The Bank also recognises effective participation by Independent Directors which enables a balanced and objective assessment of
          issues and increases accountability during the decision-making process. Independent Directors who meet the criteria for suitability
          can act as a check and balance on the Board. Additionally, such members can bring fresh perspectives from other businesses,
          which  can  help  the  Board  to  function  more  effectively.  The  Bank’s  Independent  Directors’  roles  and  responsibilities  shall  be
          independent of the Management’s functions and free of any business or other relationship that might impair their ability to exercise
          independent judgement or act in the Bank’s best interests.
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