Page 65 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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            The Board Charter outlines the roles and responsibilities     PART 2: BOARD COMPOSITION
            of the Board which includes to provide oversight on
            Management.  The  Board  stand  guided  amongst  others   Board Size, Composition and Diversity
            with the following core responsibilities in performing its
                                                                   Article  94(1)  of  the  Constitution  of  the  Bank  provides  that
            duties for the Bank:
                                                                   number  of  Board  members  should  be  between  two  (2)  to
            1)    The  Board  is  charged  with  leading  and  managing    twelve  (12)  members.  As  at  31  December  2022,  the  Board
                the  Bank  in  an  effective  and  responsible  manner.    consists of:
                Each Director has a legal duty to act in the best interest
                of  the  Bank.  The  Directors,  collectively  and  individually,
                                                                   3 male                                 3 female
                are aware of their responsibilities to shareholders and
                                                                   directors                              directors
                stakeholders  for  the  manner  in  which  the  affairs  of  the
                Bank  are  managed.  The  Board  sets  the  Bank’s  values   50%                          50%
                and standards and ensures that its obligations to its
                shareholders and stakeholders are understood and met.
                                                                                                  Independent Non-Executive
            2)    The Board plays a critical role in ensuring that the Bank                       Chairman
                upholds  sound  and  prudent  policies  and  practices.                           Independent Non-Executive
                The Board will perform its oversight role effectively and                         Directors
                understands its overall responsibilities to shareholders                          Non-Independent
                and stakeholders. The Board members are not involved                              Non-Executive Directors
                                                                                                  (Nominees from the Ministry
                in  the  day-to-day  operations  of  the  Bank  but  will                         of Finance (MOF) and
                provide  an  effective  check  and  balance  mechanism  in                        Ministry of International Trade
                                                                                                  and Industry (MITI)
                the overall management of the Bank.                                    3
            3)    The  Board  bears  ultimate  responsibility  for  the  proper
                                                                                    Core competencies
                stewardship  of  the  Bank.  The  Board  understands  that
                the  responsibility  for  good  Corporate  Governance  in
                ensuring the maximisation of shareholders’ value and     Banking               Business management
                the  safeguarding  of  stakeholders’  interest  is  performed     Insurance     Socio-economics/
                through  rigorous  and  diligent  oversight  of  the  Bank’s     Finance      public policy, and public
                affairs, establishing, amongst others, the corporate values,     Accounting   administration
                vision and strategies that will steer the activities of the     Audit           Industry/Subject Matter
                Bank, and to be aware of the types of material financial     Legal            Expert (SME)
                activities the Bank intends to pursue.
                                                                   Based on the above:
            4)    The Board has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest
                of the Bank and understands the responsibility for good   •    The  present  composition  of  the  Board  is  in  compliance
                Corporate Governance therefore strives to ensure the   with BNM’s Policy Document on Corporate Governance as
                highest standards of Corporate Governance are practised.   more than half of its members are Independent Directors;

            5)    The  Board  also  provides  the  necessary  and  requisite   •    The Board applied gender diversity as recommended by
                overall  oversight  on  the  Shariah  governance  structure   MOF and Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance of
                and  Shariah  compliance  of  the  Bank  as  required  under    Securities Commission Malaysia (the Code) of having at
                                                                       least 30% women director representation on the Board.
                BNM’s  Shariah  Governance  Framework  for  Islamic
                Financial Institutions. The Board, upon consultation with   •    The  Board  had  indicated  their  commitment  in
                the  Shariah  Committee  (SC)  shall  approve  all  policies   maintaining diversity from different aspects such as
                relating to Shariah matters and is expected to ensure    gender,  age,  cultural  and  educational  background,
                that such policies are implemented effectively.        professional  experience,  skills,  knowledge  and  length
                                                                       of  service  which  enables the Board  to  have the critical
                                                                       capabilities, expertise and experience necessary to carry
                                                                       out  its  functions  effectively  which  is  reflected  in  the
                                                                       Board’s  composition  and  decision-making  process  to
                                                                       address key risks and major issues relating to the Bank’s
                                                                       long-term strategies and sustainability.
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