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          68    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        69


          Directors’ Conflict of Interest

          The Board  members will declare if  they have  an interest either directly  or indirectly in any  transaction to  be entered by  the
          Bank in every Board and Board Committees’ meeting. An interested or conflicted Director, or if the Director is deemed as a
          “connected party”, is required to abstain from the deliberations and voting on a transaction.
          Training and Development of Directors

          The Board recognises the importance of continuing professional education of its Board members and encourages them to
          participate  in  courses  or  activities.  This  would  enhance  their  knowledge  to  assist  the  Board  members  in  the  performance  of
          their duties in the best interest of the Bank. The Company Secretary continuously informs the Board members of relevant training
          courses for their consideration.

          The  Board  Charter  requires  newly  appointed  Directors  to  complete  the  Financial  Institutions  Directors’  Education  (FIDE)
          core  programme  as  well  as  Islamic  Finance  for  Board  of  Directors’  Programme  organised  by  ISRA  Consulting.  In  addition,
          newly appointed Directors are also required to attend an induction programme coordinated by the Bank.

          The induction programme will provide the new Directors with the necessary information and overview to assist them in
          understanding the operations of the Bank and appreciating the challenges faced by the Bank in achieving its objectives.

          CSD had conducted an induction programme for Mr Raymond Fam Chye Soon who was appointed as Director of the Bank on
          15  February  2023.  The  programme  was  led  by  the  P/CEO  and  also  Senior  Management  which  was  conducted  at  the  Bank’s
          premises. The programme covers diverse subject matters, amongst others, the Bank’s business and strategies, work processes,
          Board Committees and the duties and responsibilities of Directors of financial institutions.

          Beside attending FIDE core programme, the Directors are encouraged to continuously acquire relevant skills and knowledge.
          The  following  are  conferences,  seminars  and  training  programmes  attended  by  the  Directors  for  the  financial  year  ended
          31 December 2022:

              Training Focus                     List of Conferences/Seminars and Training Programmes

           Corporate            •  FIDE Core Programme
           Governance           •  Invitation to a Complimentary Talk on “Corporate Governance & Remuneration Practices For The
                                  ESG World”
                                •  Iclif: Corporate Governance & Remuneration Practices For The ESG World

           Leadership           •  Climate Change: Impact on Banks and Role of the Board
                                •  FIDE FORUM - CGM Conversations with Chairmen: A Standing Item in Board Agendas
                                •  Board Effectiveness Evaluation - Post-launch Workshop (Session 2)

           Finance              •  Islamic Finance for Board of Directors’ Programme
                                •  kLBC Pre-Budget 2023 Dialogue with YB Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz,
                                  Minister of Finance, Malaysia

           Audit, Compliance    •  Series 3: Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Board Oversight
           and Risk             •  Series 5: Evolving Expectations for Boards in ERM
           Management           •  QRD Series 18 – Directors Guide to RMiT (Risk Management in Technology)
                                •  The Audit Committee - Unpacking the roles of the Committee & honing its effectiveness in
                                  discharging its responsibilities holistically

           Others               •  BNM-FIDE FORUM Dialogue: Licensing Framework for Digital Insurers and Takaful Operators
                                •  MICG: Webinar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Company Directors and Executives
                                •  Emerging Trends Talk #2: Cyber kill Chain and Security Capabilities
                                •  MetaFinance: The Next Frontier of the Global Economy
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