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          70    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        71

            DISCLOSURE ON


          EXIM  Bank  offered  Islamic  financing  facilities  alongside  its  conventional  business
          facilities  in  meeting  cross-border  business  requirements.  The  conduct  of  Islamic
          financing  business  by  EXIM  Bank  is  regulated  mainly  by  the  relevant  provisions
          in  the  Development  Financial  Institutions  Act  (DFIA)  2002  and  governed  by
          regulations issued by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) from time to time.

          Shariah governance of EXIM Bank is bound to follow requirements as stipulated under BNM’s Shariah Governance Policy Document
          (SGPD).  EXIM  Bank’s  Shariah  governance  provides  a  sound  and  robust  Shariah  compliance  framework  of  EXIM  Bank  vis-a-vis
          the  Board  of  Directors’  (the  Board)  oversight  accountability  over  Shariah  governance,  the  Management’s  responsibility  over
          day-to-day EXIM Bank’s business, operations, affairs and activities and an independent Shariah Committee responsibility supported
          by a secretariat function to serve the Shariah Committee and Shariah control functions in managing Shariah non-compliance
          risk through Shariah risk management, Shariah review and Shariah audit functions.


          While  the  Board  is  ultimately  responsible  and  accountable  for  the  overall  Shariah  governance  implementation  and  Shariah
          compliance  of  EXIM  Bank,  the  Board  is  advised  and  guided  by  the  Shariah  Committee  on  Shariah  matters  in  relation  to  the
          Islamic finance business of EXIM Bank.

          Duties & Responsibilities

          Shariah  Committee  has  the  responsibility  to  provide  objective  and  sound  advice  to  EXIM  Bank  to  ensure  that  its  aims  and
          operations, business, affairs, and activities are conducted in compliance with Shariah. Specifically, the functions and responsibilities
          of the Shariah Committee are, inter alia:
          1.    To  provide  a  decision  or  advice  to  the  Bank  on  the  application  of  any  rulings  of  the  Shariah  Advisory  Council  (SAC)  of
             BNM or standards on Shariah matters that are applicable to the operations, business, affairs and activities of the Bank;
          2.    To provide a decision or advice on the operations, business, affairs and activities of the Bank which may trigger a Shariah
             non-compliance (SNC) event;
          3.    To deliberate SNC finding by any relevant functions and endorsing a rectification measure to address a Shariah non-compliance
          4.   To be accountable for the quality, accuracy and soundness of its own decision or advice.

          5.    To  establish  a  robust  methodology  to  guide  its  decision-making  process.  The  Shariah  Committee  must  take  into  account
             relevant business and risk practices in arriving at a decision or advice.

          6.    In the event where the Shariah Committee decides or advises to place additional restrictions on the operations, business, affairs
             and activities of the Bank in applying the SAC rulings, the Bank must:
             i)    document the deliberations and justifications of the Shariah Committee decision or advice;

             ii)   ascertain the Board’s views on the decision or advice made by the Shariah Committee with regards to the SAC ruling; and
             iii)   ensure immediate notification to the BNM of such decision or advice.
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