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          66    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY   gOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        67


          Board Risk Committee (BRC)                            (ii)   Supporting  the  Board  in  overseeing  matters  relating  to
                                                                    the remuneration policy and packages for the Directors,
          The BRC’s main function is to support the Board in managing   SC  members,  P/CEO  and  Senior  Management  of  the
          risks in line with BNM’s Policy Document on Risk Governance   Bank  including  various  incentives  or  retention  schemes
          and  to  oversee  Management’s  activities  in  managing  risks    implemented by the Bank.
          with respect to credit, market, liquidity and other risks while
          ensuring  that  the  risk  management  process  is  in  place  and   The  NRC  comprises  three  (3)  members  (including  the  NRC
          functioning.                                          Chairman) majority of whom are INEDs and is chaired by an
                                                                INED.  Details  of  Terms  of  Reference  of  NRC  is  available  on
          The  BRC  comprises  of  four  (4)  members  (including  the  BRC   the Bank’s corporate website at
          Chairman)  majority  of  whom  are  INEDs  and  chaired  by  an
          INED.  Details  of  Terms  of  Reference  of  BRC  is  available  on    The NRC held sixteen (16) meetings during the financial
          the Bank’s corporate website at   year  31  December  2022.  Members  of  the  NRC  and
                                                                     details of the meeting attended by the members are
              The BRC met twelve (12) times during the financial year   stated on pages 66 to 67 of this Annual Report.
              ended  31  December  2022.  Members  of  the  BRC  and
              details of the meeting attended by the members are   Board Tender Committee (BTC)
              stated on pages 66 to 67 of this Annual Report.
                                                                The BTC is primarily to provide the necessary oversight over
          Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)           the  Bank’s  procurement  process  in  line  with  the  Approving
                                                                Authorities and Authority Limits (AA) and compliance with the
          The NRC primary objectives are as follows:            Procurement  Policy  of  the  Bank  to  ensure  the  highest  ethical
                                                                standards,  compliance  to  legal  and  regulatory  requirements,
          (i)    Providing  a  formal  and  transparent  procedure  and
                                                                and strong governance of the procurement activities.
             support to the Board in carrying out its function in
             overseeing the following matters concerning the    The  BTC  comprises  three  (3)  members,  a  majority  being
             Board,  Board  Committees,  Directors,  SC,  P/CEO  and    INEDs and chaired by an INED. Details of Terms of Reference
             Senior Management:                                 of  BTC  is  available  on  the  Bank’s  corporate  website  at
             (a)  Appointments, reappointments and removals.
             (b)  Composition.                                       During  the  financial  year  ended  31  December  2022,
             (c)  Performance evaluation and development.            the BTC met three (3) times. Members of the BTC and
             (d)  Fit and proper assessments.
                                                                     details of the meetings attended by the members are
                                                                     stated on pages 66 to 67 of this Annual Report.

          Board and Board Committees Attendance
          Details of attendance of each Director at the Board and respective Board Committees meetings during the financial year ended
          31 December 2022 are as follows:

                                                                  Number of Meetings
          Name of Directors       Board Meetings    BCC          BRC           NRC          BAC           BTC
                                 Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended
          Dato’ Azman Mahmud (DAM)  14   14      -     -      -      -      -      -     -      -      -      -

          % of attendance             100%          n/a           n/a          n/a           n/a          n/a
          Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad
          Syed Abdul kadir (DSM)  3  14  14     9      9      8      8     16     16     9      9      2      2
          % of attendance             100%         100%          100%         100%          100%          100%
          Datuk Bahria Mohd Tamil
          (DBMT)  4               14     13     17     17     12    11     16     16     -      -      3      3

          % of attendance             93%          100%          92%          100%           n/a          100%
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73