Page 117 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 117
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 115
STaTEmEnT Of CaSh flOwS
for the year ended 31 december 2023
Group Bank
2023 2022 2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
restated restated
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit/(Loss) before taxation 37,030 (60,965) 37,030 (60,965)
Adjustments for:
ECL Stage 3 loans, advances and financing (Note 33)
- Charged for the year 55,940 383,721 55,940 383,721
- Writeback during the year (123,263) (428,550) (123,263) (428,550)
ECL Stage 1 and 2 loans, advances and financing (Note 33)
- Writeback during the year (87,304) (271,083) (87,304) (271,083)
(Writeback)/allowance for ECL on financial investments (Note 35) (585) 126,025 (585) 126,025
Writeback for ECL on commitment and contingencies (Note 34) (3,058) (20,426) (3,058) (20,426)
Allowances for ECL on other assets (Note 36) - 23 - 23
- Property and equipment 3,077 3,515 3,077 3,515
- Investment properties 18 18 18 18
- Right of use assets 1,586 1,396 1,586 1,396
Amortisation of intangible assets 1,513 964 1,513 964
Asset written-off 17 1,233 17 1,233
Assets impairment losses - 233 - 233
Unrealised foreign exchange loss 103,171 68,098 103,171 68,098
Unrealised (gain)/loss on derivatives (30,108) 250,438 (30,108) 250,438
Unrealised loss/(gain) on MTN/Sukuk 81,886 (203,872) 81,886 (203,872)
Amortisation of premium less accretion of discount (1,526) (1,569) (1,526) (1,569)
Insurance contract income - - - -
Operating gain/(loss) before changes in working capital 38,394 (150,801) 38,394 (150,801)