Page 233 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 233
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 231
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2023
(f) Islamic financing (cont’d)
(vii) Advances and financing analysed by facility and Shariah contract are as follows:
Murabahah Istisna Tawarruq Ijarah Total
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
At amortised cost
Malaysian Kitchen Financing
Facility-i - - 1,345 - 1,345
Overseas Contract Financing-i - - 93,371 - 93,371
Overseas Investment Financing-i - - 32,984 - 32,984
Overseas Project Financing-i 24,027 28,528 402,948 - 455,503
Revolving Credit-i - - 17,862 - 17,862
Supplier Financing-i 29,182 - 92,931 12,420 134,533
Term Financing-i 1,347 - 794,395 53,279 849,021
Vendor Financing-i - - 32,054 - 32,054
Export Credit Refinancing-i - - 18,696 - 18,696
Gross financing 54,556 28,528 1,486,586 65,699 1,635,369
Allowances for ECL on advances
and financing
- 12-month ECL - Stage 1 - - - - (32,929)
- Lifetime not impaired ECL
- Stage 2 - - - - (7,953)
- Lifetime ECL credit impaired
- Stage 3 - - - - (313,648)
Net advances and financing 54,556 28,528 1,486,586 65,699 1,280,839