Page 45 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 43
We continued to contribute to community upliftment activities as part of our sustainability commitments. These involved contribution
of funds, as well as the efforts of our staff volunteers. We remain committed to integrating sustainability into our core operations
and promoting a greener future for generations to come. We are proud of our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship
and by actively engaging in reforestation efforts, and hope to inspire positive change, raise awareness about the importance of
preserving our natural resources, and contribute to the fight against climate change.
Mangrove Planting with MOF GIC Club Project re-Plant “TODAY FOR THE FUTURE”
01 Together with other agencies under the Government 02 On 3 July 2023 we launched our “re-Plant Project”, an
Investment Company of Ministry of Finance (GIC environmental programme that is aimed at combating
MOF) in collaboration with Jabatan Perhutanan climate change and promoting environmental
Negeri Selangor, we carried out a Tree Planting sustainability. The Bank has undertaken this initiative,
activity at the Hutan Simpanan Kapar, Klang, Selangor in collaboration with University Putra Malaysia, to
on Saturday, 11 February 2023. The project was in contribute to reforestation efforts and mitigate
line with the Government’s initiative for Program the impacts of deforestation. By leveraging on our
Penghijauan Malaysia, through the “100 million Tree resources, the Bank aims to make a tangible and
Planting Campaign”. This campaign aims to plant lasting impact on the environment, while engaging our
100 million trees within a period of 5 years, starting employees in a collective effort to protect our planet.
from 2021 to 2025, by encouraging the involvement Organised at Sultan Idris Shah Forest Education Centre
and cooperation of various parties in making this (SISFEC), Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam in Puchong,
campaign a success. This effort is also part of GIC MOF Selangor, the tree planting programme involves the
to champion the conservation and biodiversity of this strategic planting of a number of trees across various
forest reserve by planting 1,000 mangrove trees. areas, focusing on affected regions by deforestation,
urbanisation and ecosystem degradation. In addition
to the direct impact on the environment, the tree
planting programme aligns with the Bank’s broader
sustainability strategy, which emphasises responsible
business practices, renewable energy financing and
reducing carbon emissions.