Page 42 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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40 A Vision to Serve Empowering Growth Management Discussion and Analysis
GrEEn FinAnCinG: EmpOwErinG SuSTAinAblE builDinG A STrOnG FOunDATiOn in 2023
In 2023, we focused on raising awareness and developing a
Driving Green Exports: In June 2023, we launched the EXIM strong sustainability foundation for our Board of Directors,
Go-Export Financing programme to support small and medium Shariah Committee, Senior Management and staff.
enterprises (SMEs) and corporate clients. This programme
empowers them to invest and expand in export development, Empowering Our people: 709 Hours of Sustainability
supply chain ecosystems and green technology.
Training in 2023
EXIM Go-Export Financing offers three distinct options:
Here are the key highlights of our sustainability initiatives
• EXim Go-SmExport: Designed specifically for SMEs. and capacity-building activities:
• Go-Export ACE: Provided financing solutions for a broader
range of needs.
• Go-Export GreenTech: A sustainability-focused programme Sustainability Training
to support environmentally friendly initiatives. 01
Fiduciary Duty: Equipping Ourselves for Climate
The Go-Export Greentech programme is a comprehensive
financing solution. Designed to help exporters grow their Action
businesses, it provides financing for investments in strategic As a Development Financial Institution (DFI),
sectors like automation, digital technology, green technology we recognise our fiduciary duty to manage
and biotechnology. We are proud to be a participating climate-related risks. To ensure effective governance
financial institution of BNM’s Low Carbon Transition Facility and risk management, we’re committed to
(LCFT) and High Technology and Green Facility (HTGF). increasing knowledge and awareness of sustainability
Funding from these facilities is available through our Go-Export among our Board of Directors, senior and
GreenTech programme. middle management. This focus on sustainability,
particularly regarding climate-related risks, aligns
making a Difference in FY2023: In the past fiscal year, with BNM’s Climate Risk Management and Scenario
we provided a total of RM164.9 million in green financing Analysis (CRMSA) regulations.
to our customers, demonstrating our commitment to
supporting sustainable growth.
Sustainability Training
builDinG A CulTurE OF SuSTAinAbiliTY 02
Confronting the Climate Challenge Together
We believe cultivating sustainability awareness is essential
for creating positive environmental, social and economic We believe in building a shared understanding of
outcomes. By empowering individuals, we can foster a sense sustainability and the impact of climate change.
of responsibility and encourage responsible resource use, In 2023, we focused on educating our internal
conservation and a reduction in our environmental impact. stakeholders, including the Board of Directors,
Shariah Committee, senior management and all
Increased awareness about climate change can motivate staff. These educational initiatives aims to:
us to take action to reduce carbon emissions. Socially, • Equip everyone with fundamental knowledge of
sustainability awareness encourages us to prioritise fair labour
practices, community engagement and ethical business sustainability principles.
conduct. Economically, it inspires businesses to adopt resilient • Raise awareness about the realities of climate
and competitive practices, fostering a culture of innovation change.
that leads to the development of eco-friendly products and • Encourage the adoption of sustainable practices
in our daily activities at work and beyond.
Overall, sustainability awareness serves as a catalyst for
positive change, driving collective action towards a more
sustainable, equitable and resilient world. That is why
sustainability awareness and culture is a key focus area for us.
One of our core sustainability pillars is “Our Role in the
Community,” where we aim to promote the right values and
behaviours within our workforce, empowering them to advocate
for change. This commitment is also reflected in our first
sustainability principle, “Empowering Sustainability Knowledge
for All.”