Page 37 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 35
PRINCIPLE 3: Reducing our Environmental PRINCIPLE 4: Protecting the Rights of
Impact All Individuals
• Determining our enterprise-level emissions and • Complying with Islamic rules and principles, other
monitoring and reducing our impact towards the applicable laws and regulations that relate to human
environment. rights and fair labour practices.
• Utilising science-based and data-centric methodologies • Safeguarding the rights of all our stakeholders and
to achieve our goals. preventing negative impacts towards the most vulnerable
members of the community. We will not knowingly engage
• Being transparent in the disclosure of our environmental in any business relationship with customers who are
impact to our stakeholders.
involved in bribery, child or forced labour, modern slavery,
Commitments for Principle 3 human trafficking, illegal deforestation and any activities
deemed illegal under country laws and regulations.
• Assessing our enterprise-level carbon footprint by
calculating Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and • Prioritising employee welfare and ensuring that we create
determining pathways towards achieving enterprise a healthy, safe and inclusive workplace environment for
carbon neutrality by FY2030. our employees. We will also focus on building a strong
sustainability culture within the Bank.
• Monitoring and reporting on emissions reduction progress
against the established targets. • Commiting to promote financial inclusion, particularly for
the unserved and underserved segments.
• Incorporating sustainability in our supply chain and
communicating our expectations to suppliers in upholding Commitments for Principle 4
environmental and social responsibilities.
• Establishing policies to safeguard human rights concerns,
fair labour practices and employee well-being.
• Aligning sustainability and social impact initiatives with
our advocacy efforts relating to creating awareness on
sustainability for the underserved segments.
• Establishing suppliers’ evaluation criteria that incorporates
elements of diversity, equality and inclusiveness, and
assess whether our vendors are adopting sustainable and
responsible practices.