Page 187 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 187

Section 06  Financial Statements

                                           Total  RM’000  7,973,385   68,725  1,961,305   335,923   345,562   239,604   562,406  80,053   79,162  11,646,125

                                        Other  assets   RM’000  278,113     -   -     -    -    -    -    -     -   278,113

                                   Net              42,687    -   -     -   -    -    -    -    -
                                      derivative    financial     instruments    RM’000   42,687

                                                    89     -     -     -    -     -    -    -    -    89
                                         Insurance   receivables   RM’000

                                 Gross  loans,    advances    and   financing    RM’000  3,338,293    68,725   1,961,305   335,923    345,562   239,604   562,406    80,053   79,162    7,011,033

                                        Financial     investments    RM’000  1,204,442     1,204,442
                         Exposures to credit risk by geographical region are as follows: (cont’d.)
                                                      -    -    -    -   -     -     -   -

                                 Deposits and       placements       with banks and    other financial    bank    institutions   RM’000  3,047,168    62,593     -     -    -     -   -    -    -     -     -    -    -    -    -   -   -     -    3,047,168   62,593

                  Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)  Geographical analysis (cont’d.)  On-balance sheet exposure (cont’d.)  Cash and    balances   Group and Bank    RM’000  Central Asia    Middle East

              42.                                2019  Malaysia    East Asia   South Asia   Africa    Europe   America    Oceania
   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192