Page 195 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 195

Section 06  Financial Statements

                 Credit quality by class of financial assets (cont’d.)

                 Credit quality by loans, advances and financing (cont’d.)
                 For commercial exposures, the Group and the Bank use ten risk grades with rating ‘1’ representing the lowest risk. Meanwhile
                 for Sovereign exposures, the Group and the Bank use five risk grades with rating ‘aaa’ representing the lowest risk.
                 The exposure under each of these risk grades is as follows (cont’d.):
                                                                    ECL Stage 1   ECL Stage 2   ECL Stage 3     Total
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000


                 Commercial customer
                   Risk Rating 1                                              -            -           -            -
                   Risk Rating 2                                        534,608            -            -     534,608
                   Risk Rating 3                                         544,420      14,919           -      559,339
                   Risk Rating 4                                        163,040      766,548            -     929,588
                   Risk Rating 5                                        734,248       82,147            -     816,395
                   Risk Rating 6                                        196,583      163,123            -     359,706
                   Risk Rating 7                                              -      571,397            -     571,397
                   Risk Rating 8                                              -       32,993            -      32,993
                   Risk Rating 9                                              -        1,508            -       1,508
                   Impaired                                                   -            -    2,643,617    2,643,617
                                                                       2,172,899    1,632,635    2,643,617    6,449,151

                   Risk Rating b+                                         2,710            -           -        2,710
                   Risk Rating bb                                        305,363           -            -     305,363
                   Risk Rating bb+                                       21,696            -           -       21,696
                                                                        329,769            -           -      329,769
                                                                       2,502,668   1,632,635    2,643,617    6,778,920

                 Restructured items

                 Restructured loans refer to the financial assets that would otherwise be past due or impaired where there is fundamental
                 revision in the principal terms and conditions of the facility. Restructuring shall be considered when the customer’s business
                 is still viable and is expected to remain viable after the restructuring. There were impaired loans restructured by the Group and
                 the Bank during the year of RM109,434,295.48 (2019: RM127,682,059.70).
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