Page 217 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 217


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            44.  islamic bUsiness fUnDs (cOnt’D.)

                Statement of cash flows for Islamic business fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 (cont’d.)
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                            (620,412)     293,621
                Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year excluding on behalf of customer       1,434,764    1,141,143

                Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                         814,352    1,434,764
                Cash and cash equivalents comprise:
                Cash and bank balances                                                             5,647      96,283
                Deposits and placements with financial institutions                              858,705    1,468,850
                Less: Deposits and placements on behalf of customers                             (50,000)    (130,369)
                                                                                                 814,352    1,434,764

                Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021

                (a)  Cash and bank balances
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                    Cash and bank balances                                                         6,423      97,042

                (b)   Deposits and placements with banks and other financial institutions

                                                                                           Group and Bank
                                                                               Shareholder’s     Takaful        Total
                                                                                       fund        Fund         fund
                                                                                     RM’000      RM’000      RM’000

                    Deposits and placements with:
                    Licensed banks                                                  228,134           -      228,134
                    Other financial institutions                                    629,882       16,879     646,761
                                                                                    858,016       16,879      874,895


                    Deposits and placements with:
                    Licensed banks                                                  782,781           -      782,781
                    Other financial institutions                                    686,246       15,457     701,703
                                                                                   1,469,027      15,457    1,484,484
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