Page 220 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 220


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.  islamic bUsiness fUnDs (cOnt’D.)

               Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021
               (d)   Islamic financing

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

                  (i)   Murabahah                                                                81,682     127,103
                      Istisna’                                                                  25,869       25,061
                      Tawarruq                                                                2,055,142    2,372,374
                      Ijarah                                                                    97,210      301,746
                                                                                              2,259,903    2,826,284
                      Less: Allowance for expected credit losses on impaired advances and financing
                           - 12-month ECL - Stage 1                                             (27,064)    (30,304)
                           - Lifetime not impaired ECL - Stage 2                                (80,941)     (54,662)
                           - Lifetime ECL credit impaired - Stage 3                            (527,025)    (657,977)

                      Net advances and financing                                              1,624,873    2,083,341

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

                  (ii)  The maturity structure of the advances and financing are as follows:
                      Within one year                                                         1,470,206    1,477,939
                      One year to three years                                                  187,653      852,931
                      Three years to five years                                                455,311      353,996
                      Over five years                                                          146,733      141,418
                                                                                              2,259,903    2,826,284

                  (iii)  Islamic gross financing analysed by profit rate sensitivity are as follows:
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

                      Fixed rate                                                                 9,411        2,204
                      Variable rate                                                           2,250,492    2,824,080
                                                                                              2,259,903    2,826,284
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