Page 221 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 221


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            44.  islamic bUsiness fUnDs (cOnt’D.)

                Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021
                (d)   Islamic financing (cont’d.)

                    (iv)   Islamic gross financing analysed by geography are as follows:
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                        Malaysia                                                                1,257,672    1,699,163
                        East Asia                                                                 13,944      45,646
                        South Asia                                                               420,774     420,965
                        Europe                                                                   315,047     332,759
                        West Africa                                                               28,594      72,876
                        Oceania                                                                   90,118      106,698
                        Middle East                                                              133,754     148,177
                                                                                                2,259,903    2,826,284

                    (v)   Islamic gross financing analysed by industry are as follows:

                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000
                        Primary agriculture                                                       64,883     232,815
                        Manufacturing                                                            482,453      459,375
                        Transport, storage and communication                                     298,368      528,605
                        Construction                                                             616,364     624,906
                        Wholesale and retail trade, and restaurants and hotels                   262,248      307,538
                        Other                                                                    535,587     673,045
                                                                                                2,259,903    2,826,284

                    (vi)   Movements in impaired financing are as follows:
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                        At 1 January                                                             924,367     1,000,690
                        Impaired during the year                                                  59,991      20,242
                        Recoveries                                                               (50,163)     (85,202)
                        Written-off                                                             (142,078)      (4,496)
                        Exchange differences                                                     (19,565)      (6,867)
                        At 31 December                                                           772,552      924,367
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