Page 223 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 223


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            44.  islamic bUsiness fUnDs (cOnt’D.)

                Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021
                (d)   Islamic financing (cont’d.)

                    (viii)  Movements in the allowance for impaired advances and financing are as follows:
                                                                        Stage 1      Stage 2     Stage 3
                                                                                Lifetime ECL   Lifetime ECL
                                                                      12-month     not credit     credit
                                                                           ECL     impaired     impaired    Total ECL
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000      RM’000

                        At 1 January                                     30,304       54,662     657,977     742,943
                        Transferred from Stage 1                          (3,857)     3,857            -           -
                        Transferred to Stage 2                               -        (9,487)      9,487           -
                        Allowance/(Written back)                          1,192        4,594     (16,114)     (10,328)
                        Financial assets derecognised                    (3,599)      (3,939)          -       (7,538)
                        Changes due to change in credit risk              3,493      15,787            -      19,280
                        Modification to contractual cash flows of
                         financial assets                                  (469)     15,467            -      14,998
                        Total net profit and loss charge during the period    (3,240)    26,279    (6,627)     16,412
                        Write offs                                           -            -     (142,078)    (142,078)
                        Exchange differences                                 -            -       19,496      19,496
                        At 31 December                                   27,064      80,941      528,768      636,773

                        At 1 January                                     35,801      39,453      686,375     761,629
                        Transferred to Stage 1                             (281)         38         243            -
                        Transferred to Stage 2                               -        (1,713)      1,713           -
                        (Written back)/allowance                         12,586       (6,322)    (14,724)      (8,460)
                        Financial assets derecognised                   (11,984)         (30)         -       (12,014)
                        Changes due to change in credit risk             (4,090)      4,759            -         669
                        Modification to contractual cash flows of
                         financial assets                                (1,728)     18,477            -      16,749
                        Total net profit and loss charge during the period    (5,497)    15,209   (12,768)     (3,056)
                        Write offs                                           -            -        (4,496)     (4,496)
                        Exchange differences                                 -            -      (11,134)     (11,134)
                        At 31 December                                   30,304      54,662      657,977      742,943
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