Page 222 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 222


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.  islamic bUsiness fUnDs (cOnt’D.)

               Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2021
               (d)   Islamic financing (cont’d.)

                  (vii)   Advance and financing analysed by facility and Shariah contract are as follows:
                                                            Murabahah     Istisna   Tawarruq      Ijarah      Total
                                                              RM’000      RM’000     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000
                      At amortised cost
                        Malaysian Kitchen Financing Facility-i       -         -       1,378          -       1,378
                        Overseas Contract Financing-i               -          -      30,989          -      30,989
                        Overseas Investment Financing-i             -          -      56,883          -      56,883
                        Overseas Project Financing-i                -      25,869     438,131         -     464,000
                        Supplier Financing-i                   78,601           -    814,586     42,607     935,794
                        Term Financing-i                        3,081          -     660,904      54,603    718,588
                        Vendor Financing-i                          -          -      52,271          -      52,271
                      Gross financing                          81,682      25,869    2,055,142    97,210    2,259,903

                      Allowances for expected credit losses
                        on advances and financing
                        - 12-month ECL - Stage 1                    -          -           -          -     (27,064)
                        - Lifetime not impaired ECL - Stage 2       -          -           -          -     (80,941)
                        - Lifetime ECL credit impaired - Stage 3      -        -          -           -    (527,025)
                      Net advances and financing               81,682      25,869    2,055,142    97,210    1,624,873

                      At amortised cost
                        Buyer Credit-i                              -          -           -          -          -
                        Malaysian Kitchen Financing Facility-i       -         -       2,204          -       2,204
                        Overseas Contract Financing-i               -           -     84,189          -      84,189
                        Overseas Investment Financing-i             -          -      114,292         -     114,292
                        Overseas Project Financing-i                -      25,061    431,006          -     456,067
                        Supplier Financing-i                  123,263           -    996,046    131,718    1,251,027
                        Term Financing-i                        3,840           -    687,321    170,028     861,189
                        Vendor Financing-i                          -          -      57,316          -      57,316
                      Gross financing                         127,103      25,061    2,372,374    301,746    2,826,284
                      Allowances for expected credit losses
                        on advances and financing
                        - 12-month ECL - Stage 1                    -          -          -           -     (30,304)
                        - Lifetime not impaired ECL - Stage 2       -          -          -           -     (54,662)
                        - Lifetime ECL credit impaired - Stage 3      -         -          -          -    (657,977)

                      Net advances and financing              127,103      25,061    2,372,374    301,746    2,083,341
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