Page 142 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 142
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
9. LoANs, ADvANCes AND FINANCING (cont’d.)
(ix) Movements in the allowance for ECL for loans, advances and financing are as follows (cont’d.):
stage 2 stage 3
stage 1 Lifetime eCL Lifetime
12-months not credit eCL credit
eCL impaired impaired total eCL
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
Group and Bank
At 1 January 31,569 418,195 1,610,717 2,060,481
Transferred from Stage 1 (3,857) 3,857 - -
Transferred to Stage 2 - (22,018) 22,018 -
Transferred to Stage 3 - 69,589 (69,589) -
Allowance/(Writeback) recognised in profit or loss 1,073 (13,568) (4,463) (16,958)
Financial assets derecognised (4,744) (32,426) - (37,170)
Changes due to change in credit risk 43,058 16,818 - 59,876
Modification to contractual cash flows of financial assets (469) 41,828 - 41,359
Total amount charged to profit or loss during the period 35,061 64,080 (52,034) 47,107
Other movement with no profit or loss impact
Write offs - - (150,348) (150,348)
Exchange differences - - 41,830 41,830
At 31 December 66,630 482,275 1,450,165 1,999,070
Group and Bank
2022 2021
rM’000 rM’000
Breakdown of ECL Stage 1 and 2:
From non-impaired loans, advances and financing 277,822 548,905
277,822 548,905
As % of net loans, advances and financing (exclude gross impaired loan and staff loan) 10.15% 17.13%