Page 140 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 140

138   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          9.   LoANs, ADvANCes AND FINANCING (cont’d.)
              (v)  Gross loans, advances and financing analysed by industry are as follows:
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 Primary agriculture                                                           12,238       64,883
                 Manufacturing                                                               1,013,168     846,191
                 Transport, storage and communication                                         721,697    1,643,676
                 Construction                                                                 748,997      952,851
                 Wholesale and retail trade, and restaurants and hotels                       110,124      204,443
                 Others                                                                      2,155,275   1,588,587

                                                                                             4,761,499   5,300,631

              (vi)  Movements of gross impaired loans, advances and financing (“impaired loans”) are as follows:
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 At 1 January                                                                2,096,575   2,382,477
                 Impaired during the year                                                     227,286      207,592
                 Reclassified as non-impaired                                                       -     (126,861)
                 Recoveries                                                                   (111,860)   (202,634)
                 Amount written off                                                           (310,757)   (150,348)
                 Exchange differences                                                         123,249      (13,651)

                                                                                             2,024,493   2,096,575

                 Gross impaired loans as a percentage of gross loans, advances and financing
                   - with ECR debtors                                                          42.52%      39.55%
                   - without ECR debtors                                                       43.24%      39.79%
                 Net impaired loans as a percentage of gross loans, advances and financing
                   - with ECR debtors                                                          11.73%      12.19%
                   - without ECR debtors                                                       11.93%      12.27%
              (vii) Gross impaired loans, advances and financing analysed by geographical area are as follows:

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 Malaysia                                                                     315,647      469,317
                 East Asia                                                                   1,045,488   1,031,535
                 South Asia                                                                    63,836       63,912
                 Central Asia                                                                 354,347      335,393
                 Middle East                                                                  140,511        8,300
                 Africa                                                                        98,278       98,899
                 Europe                                                                         3,120        4,787
                 America                                                                          385       80,925
                 Oceania                                                                        2,881        3,507

                                                                                             2,024,493   2,096,575
   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145