Page 144 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 144

142   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          9.   LoANs, ADvANCes AND FINANCING (cont’d.)
              (x)  Overlays and adjustments for ECL amid COVID-19 environment (cont’d.)

                 ECL (inclusive of overlays) analysed by industry are as follows:
                                                                                      Group and Bank
                                                                   outstanding    Modelled   Management
                                                                      Balance        eCL       overlay       total
                                                                        2022         2022        2022        2022
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                 Manufacturing                                       281,273       16,048      35,470       51,518
                 Transport, storage and communication                195,134       29,458           -       29,458
                 Construction                                        215,470        1,875       5,628        7,503
                 Wholesale and retail trade, and restaurants and hotels   6,865      302        4,579        4,881
                 Others                                               84,441       21,525      20,696       42,221
                                                                     783,183       69,208      66,373      135,581

                                                                                      Group and Bank
                                                                   outstanding    Modelled   Management
                                                                      Balance        eCL       overlay       total
                                                                        2021         2021        2021        2021
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                 Manufacturing                                       407,025       26,879      78,203      105,082
                 Transport, storage and communication                436,206       92,553      73,352      165,905
                 Wholesale and retail trade, and restaurants and hotels   9,335      444          736        1,180
                 Others                                              186,439       29,567      27,923       57,490
                                                                    1,039,005     149,443     180,214      329,657
   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149