Page 232 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 232

230   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          46.   ISLaMIC BUSINESS FUNDS (cont’d.)
              Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December
              2022 (cont’d.)
              (i)   Other (expenses)/income

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 Fee Income                                                                     1,616         989
                 Investment in Share (PGB)                                                       (269)           -
                 Foreign exchange (loss)/gain
                   - unrealised                                                                (55,666)    (51,431)
                   - realised                                                                  29,433       35,513
                 Unrealised loss on derivatives                                                     -       (1,542)
                 Unrealised gain on Sukuk                                                           -         161
                                                                                               (24,886)    (16,310)

              (j)   (Writeback)/allowances for ECL on advances and financing
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 Allowances/(Writeback) for ECL on advances and financing
                   - 12-month ECL - Stage 1, net                                               14,444       (3,240)
                   - Lifetime not impaired ECL - Stage 2, net                                  (65,596)     26,278
                   - Lifetime ECL credit impaired - Stage 3, net                              129,879       44,488
                   - Lifetime ECL written back - Stage 3, net                                 (339,199)   (194,936)
                   - Bad debts written off                                                    226,032      142,078
                                                                                               (34,440)     14,668

              (k)  Takaful participants fund
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2022        2021
                                                                                               rM’000      rM’000
                 Takaful participants fund
                 Accumulated deficit                                                   (i)      (4,868)     (8,590)
                 qard                                                                 (ii)      4,868        8,590
                                                                                                    -            -

                 The deficit in the Takaful participant fund is covered by the qard from Shareholders’ funds. qard represents a benevolent
                 financing to the Takaful participants fund to make good any underwriting deficit experienced during a financial period.
                 The amount is unsecured, not subject to any profit elements and has no fixed terms of repayment. The management
                 expects to recover the balance from future profits of Takaful participants fund.
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