Page 235 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 235

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        233

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            46.   ISLaMIC BUSINESS FUNDS (cont’d.)
                 Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December
                 2022 (cont’d.)
                 (m) Shariah disclosures (cont’d.)
                    (ii)   Sources and uses of charity funds

                                                                                                     Group and Bank
                                                                                                    2022        2021
                                                                                                  rM’000      rM’000
                        At 1 January                                                               2,969        3,878
                        Funds distributed during the year
                          - Contribution to non-profit organisation                                 (329)        (909)

                        At 31 December                                                             2,640        2,969

                        Monies  derived  from  the  SNC  event  on  Islamic  financing  activities  as  disclosed  in  Shariah  Committee’s  Report
                        under note Disclosure on SNC Event were channelled to charity fund and distributed progressively to the eligible
                 (n)  Regulatory Capital

                                                                                        Group and Bank
                                                                          Before       After       Before       After
                                                                      transitional  transitional  transitional  transitional
                                                                     Arrangement  Arrangement  Arrangement  Arrangement
                                                                           2022        2022         2021        2021
                                                                         rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                    Islamic banking fund                                800,000      800,000     800,000      800,000
                    Accumulated losses                                   (80,143)    (80,143)    (172,881)   (172,881)
                    Current year (loss)/profit                           (27,953)    (27,953)     92,738       92,738
                    Add: Transitional arrangement                             -            -           -       21,106

                    Eligible Tier 1 capital                             691,904      691,904     719,857      740,963

                    Collective allowance on Islamic financing*           56,940       56,940     226,161      205,055
                    Provision for commitments and contingencies          13,897       13,897      26,241       26,241
                    Provision for guarantee and claim                    11,166       11,166      11,450       11,450
                    Eligible Tier 2 capital                              82,003       82,003     263,852      242,746

                    Total capital base                                  773,907      773,907     983,709      983,709

                    Risk weighted assets                               1,763,117   1,763,117    2,344,964   2,344,964

                    Core capital ratio                                   39.24%      39.24%       30.70%      31.60%
                    RWCR                                                 43.89%      43.89%       41.95%      41.95%

                    *  The eligible amounts for Tier 2 Capital is only limited to the excess of total collective allowances over the identifiable
                      incurred losses in the collective allowance pool.
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