Page 229 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 229

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        227

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            46.   ISLaMIC BUSINESS FUNDS (cont’d.)
                 Notes to the financial statements for Islamic business fund and Takaful fund for the financial year ended 31 December
                 2022 (cont’d.)
                 (f)   Islamic financing (cont’d.)
                    (ix)   Overlays and adjustments for ECL amid COVID-19 environment

                        As the current MFRS 9 models are not expected to generate levels of expected credit losses (“ECL”) with sufficient
                        reliability in view of the unprecedented and on- going COVID-19 pandemic, overlays and post-model adjustments
                        have been applied to determine a sufficient overall level of ECLs for the year ended and as at 31 December 2022.
                        The overlays involved significant level of judgement and reflect the management’s views of possible severities of
                        the pandemic and paths of recovery in the forward looking assessment for ECL estimation purposes.
                        The  adjusted  downside  scenario  assumes  a  continuous  restrictive  economic  environment  due  to  COVID-19,
                        the impact of these adjustments were estimated at portfolio level and the Bank for financing as at 31 December
                        2022  amounted  to  RM264,195,000  (2021:  RM114,305,000).  Total  additional  overlays  for  ECL  maintained  by  the
                        Group and the Bank as at 31 December 2022 stood at RM10,207,000 (2021: RM4,161,000).
                        ECL (inclusive of overlays) analysed by geographical area are as follows:

                                                                                        Group and Bank
                                                                     outstanding    Modelled   Management       total
                                                                         Amount         eCL       overlay        eCL
                                                                           2022        2022         2022        2022
                                                                         rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                        Europe                                          215,470        1,875       5,628        7,503
                        Malaysia                                         48,725        5,962       4,579       10,541
                                                                        264,195        7,837      10,207       18,044

                                                                                        Group and Bank
                                                                                    Modelled   Management       total
                                                                         Amount         eCL       overlay        eCL
                                                                           2021        2021         2021        2021
                                                                         rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                        East Asia                                        17,439         299          542         841
                        Malaysia                                         95,906       13,335       3,619       16,954
                        Oceania                                             960         182            -         182
                                                                        114,305       13,816       4,161       17,977
   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234