Page 199 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 199
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 197
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Liquidity risk management (cont’d)
Measurement (cont’d)
on Less than 3 to 12 1 to 5 over 5
demand 3 months months years years Total
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
Group and Bank
Commitments and contingencies
Banking operation commitments
Contracted but not provided for:
Guarantee facility 117,459 - - - - 117,459
Letter of credit 286 - - - - 286
Undrawn loans and financing 1,049,679 - - - - 1,049,679
1,167,424 - - - - 1,167,424
Insurance operation commitments
Contracted but not provided for:
Within one year - - 300,849 - - 300,849
One year or later and no later
than five years - - - 348,312 - 348,312
- - 300,849 348,312 - 649,161
Total commitments
and contingencies 1,167,424 - 300,849 348,312 - 1,816,585
on Less than 3 to 12 1 to 5 over 5
demand 3 months months years years Total
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
Group and Bank
2022 (Restated)
Non-derivative financial liabilities
Borrowings - 528,775 2,715,976 1,312,361 476,315 5,033,427
Insurance contract/takaful
certificates liabilities 55,012 - - - - 55,012
Other liabilities 370,743 - 1,338 2,459 - 374,540
Total financial liabilities 425,755 528,775 2,717,314 1,314,820 476,315 5,462,979