Page 205 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 205
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 203
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Total rM’000 4,093,635 1,767,637 126,722 371,254 147,109 159,462 348,350 543,726 50,179 7,608,074
Other assets rM’000 50,335 - - - - - - - - 50,335
Net 63 - - - - - - - - 63
derivative financial instruments rM’000
reinsurance contract rM’000 9,872 9,872
assets - - - - - - -
Gross loans, advances and financing rM’000 1,303,278 1,767,637 126,722 371,254 147,109 159,462 348,350 543,726 50,179 4,817,717
Financial investments rM’000 741,367 741,367
- - - - - - - -
Exposures to credit risk by geographical region are as follows:
Deposits and placements with banks and other financial institutions rM’000 1,972,976 - - - - - - - - 1,972,976
bank - - - - - - - -
Cash and balances rM’000 15,744 15,744
Credit risk exposure (cont’d) Geographical analysis On-balance sheet exposure Group and Bank
43. 2023 Malaysia East Asia South Asia Central Asia Middle East Africa Europe America Oceania