Page 222 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 222
220 A Vision to Serve Empowering Growth Management Discussion and Analysis
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Statements of financial position as at 31 December 2023
2023 2022
Islamic Islamic
business Takaful business Takaful
fund fund Total fund fund Total
Note rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
restated restated restated
Group and Bank
Cash and bank balances (a) 6,173 278 6,451 4,977 784 5,761
Deposits and placements
with banks and other
financial institutions (b) 1,114,921 20,217 1,135,138 1,387,754 17,707 1,405,461
Financial investments at
fair value through
profit or loss (c) 6,377 - 6,377 9,979 - 9,979
Financial investments at
fair value through other
comprehensive income (d) 313,886 - 313,886 267,195 - 267,195
Financial investments at
amortised cost (e) 192,702 - 192,702 77,715 - 77,715
Islamic financing (f) 1,280,839 - 1,280,839 1,285,069 - 1,285,069
Reinsurance contract assets - 1,003 1,003 - 5,936 5,936
Other receivables 677 215 892 2,297 6,821 9,118
Total assets 2,915,575 21,713 2,937,288 3,034,986 31,248 3,066,234
Financing payable (g) 1,614,644 - 1,614,644 1,788,335 - 1,788,335
Deferred income 4,638 - 4,638 3,059 - 3,059
Insurance contract/takaful
certificates - 8,962 8,962 - 25,485 25,485
Takaful participants fund (k) - 4,151 4,151 - - -
Provision for commitments
and contingencies (p) 18,915 - 18,915 17,098 - 17,098
Other liabilities (o) 566,174 8,600 574,774 555,306 5,763 561,069
Total liabilities 2,204,371 21,713 2,226,084 2,363,798 31,248 2,395,046
Financed by:
Islamic banking fund 800,000 - 800,000 800,000 - 800,000
Reserves (16,624) - (16,624) (21,299) - (21,299)
Accumulated losses (72,172) - (72,172) (107,513) - (107,513)
Total Islamic business fund
and Takaful fund 711,204 - 711,204 671,188 - 671,188
Total liabilities and
Islamic business fund 2,915,575 21,713 2,937,288 3,034,986 31,248 3,066,234
Commitments and
contingencies (l) 911,216 493,629 1,404,845 444,920 510,477 955,397