Page 176 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 176

            Annual Report 2020


              Asset liability management (cont’d.)
              Analysis of net interest income (“NII”) and net profit income (“NPI”) sensitivity

              The table below shows the Bank’s NII and NPI sensitivity based on possible parallel shift in interest rate:
                                                                              NII                     NPI
                                                                        2020        2019         2020        2019
                                                                      Impact      Impact       Impact      Impact
                                                                    on profit    on profit    on profit    on profit
                                                                     and loss    and loss     and loss    and loss
                                                                    Increase/    Increase/    Increase/    Increase/
                                                                   (decrease)    (decrease)    (decrease)    (decrease)
                                                                     RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

              Interest/Profit rate - parallel shift
                + 50 basis points                                         91          388         552         604
                - 50 basis points                                        (91)        (388)        (552)       (604)

              Impact to revaluation reserve is assessed by applying up and down 50 basis points rate shock to the yield curve to model on
              mark-to-market for financial investments at FVOCI portfolio:
                                                                                                 2020        2019
                                                                                               Impact       Impact
                                                                                               on OCI      on OCI
                                                                                             Increase/    Increase/
                                                                                            (decrease)    (decrease)
                                                                                              RM’000       RM’000

              + 50 basis points                                                                   (55)         68
              - 50 basis points                                                                    55          (68)

              Liquidity risk management
              Approach and risk strategy

              The inability to create liquidity would cause serious repercussion to the Group and the Bank in terms of its reputation and even
              its continued existence. In view of this, the Group and the Bank pay particular attention to liquidity risk management approach
              and strategy.

              The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure the availability of sufficient liquidity to honour all financial obligations and
              able to meet any stressful events. The Group’s and the Bank’s liquidity risk management strategies involve:

              •  Establish appropriate policies to oversee the management of liquidity risk of the Group and the Bank;
              •  Establish prudent liquidity risk limits to ensure the Group and the Bank maintain a safe level of asset liquidity; and
              •  Develop contingency funding plans to manage the Group’s and the Bank’s funding requirement during liquidity crisis.
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