Page 200 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 200

198   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.   FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
              Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)

              Geographical analysis (cont’d.)
              Off-balance sheet exposure

                                                                      Banking     Insurance    operation
                                                                    operation    operation    medium/
              Group and Bank                                      commitments    short term    long term      total
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
              Malaysia                                               588,085      137,800           -      725,885
              East Asia                                               15,767       58,453     184,380      258,600
              Central Asia                                                 -            -           -            -
              South Asia                                                   -       48,571      26,274       74,845
              Middle East                                                  -       27,675           -       27,675
              Africa                                                  26,340        3,811      55,753       85,904
              Europe                                                       -        6,550           -        6,550
              America                                                      -       22,893           -       22,893
              Oceania                                                      -       20,344           -       20,344
                                                                     630,192      326,097     266,407    1,222,696

              Malaysia                                               992,289      117,491           -    1,109,780
              East Asia                                                    -       79,406      174,930     254,336
              Central Asia                                                 -            -           -            -
              South Asia                                              54,985       27,288      24,928      107,201
              Middle East                                                  -       20,353           -       20,353
              Africa                                                  49,422       10,706       77,909     138,037
              Europe                                                       -       23,125            -      23,125
              America                                                162,159       20,552            -     182,711
              Oceania                                                      -       20,148           -      20,1481
                                                                    1,258,855     319,069     277,767    1,855,691
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