Page 202 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 202

200   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                                        Total  rM’000   4,805,867  382,274  30,127  98,278   2,765,837  66,493  8,148,876

                                     Other  assets   rM’000   -   -    -    -      -   66,493    66,493

                                 Net           -       -        -            -         -
                                   derivative    financial     instruments    rM’000  (168,017)     (168,017)

                                      Insurance   receivables   rM’000
                                               -        -        -           -      -     -    -

                               Gross  loans,    advances    and   financing    rM’000   4,170,823    382,274    30,127   98,278    79,997   -    4,761,499

                                     Financial     investments    rM’000  635,044   30,130   665,174
                                                       -         -          -          -

           FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
                               Deposits and       placements       with banks and    other financial    bank    institutions   rM’000  -    -    -    -    -   -    -     -    2,794,741    28,986    -   -    2,794,741    28,986

               Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)  Industrial analysis (cont’d.) Exposures to credit risk by industry are as follows (cont’d.): On-balance sheet exposure (cont’d.)  Cash and    balances   Group and Bank   rM’000  Administrative and    Support Service    Activities    Wholesale and Retail    Trade; Repair of    Motor Vehicles and    Motorcycles    Water Supply;    Sewerage, Waste    Management and   Remediation    Activities   Financial and    Insurance/Takaful    Activities    Ot

           44.                              2022  (cont’d.)
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