Page 204 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 204

202   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                                        Total  rM’000   4,623,142  526,572   41,816   300,453   358,392  204,443  3,609,205  65,909  9,729,932

                                     Other  assets   rM’000   -   -    -   -    -   -     -    65,864    65,864

                                 Net           -   -     -     -    -   -        -    79,464
                                   derivative    financial     instruments    rM’000  79,464

                                      Insurance   receivables   rM’000
                                               -     -     -   -    -    -      -    45     45

                               Gross  loans,    advances    and   financing    rM’000  4,118,743   526,572   41,816    -     358,392   204,443    50,665   -     5,300,631

                                     Financial     investments    rM’000  504,399    300,453   302,787     1,107,639
                                                  -     -      -       -          -

           FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
                               Deposits and       placements       with banks and    other financial    bank    institutions   rM’000  -    -    -     -    -    -    -    -     -   -   -     -    3,126,776    49,513    -   -    3,126,776   49,513

               Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)  Industrial analysis (cont’d.) Exposures to credit risk by industry are as follows (cont’d.): On-balance sheet exposure (cont’d.)  Cash and    balances   Group and Bank   rM’000  Mining and quarrying   Real Estate Activities   Government    Administrative and    Support Service    Activities    Wholesale and Retail    Trade, Repair of    Motor Vehicles and   Motorcycles   Financial and    Insurance/Takaful    Activities    Other Service Activitie

           44.                              2021  (cont’d.)
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