Page 208 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 208

206   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.   FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
              Credit quality by class of financial assets (cont’d.)

              Credit quality of loans, advances and financing
              For commercial exposures, the Group and the Bank use ten risk grades with rating ‘1’ representing the lowest risk. Meanwhile
              for Sovereign exposures, the Group and the Bank use five risk grades with rating ‘aaa’ representing the lowest risk. The
              exposure under each of these risk grades is as follows:
                                                                      stage 1      stage 2     stage 3       total
                                                                      rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
              Commercial customer
                Risk Rating 3                                        215,470            -           -      215,470
                Risk Rating 4                                        132,357            -           -      132,357
                Risk Rating 5                                        623,833      398,426           -    1,022,259
                Risk Rating 6                                        467,154      362,451           -      829,605
                Risk Rating 7                                              -      158,879           -      158,879
                Risk Rating 9                                              -        2,129           -        2,129
                Impaired                                                   -            -    2,024,493   2,024,493
                                                                    1,438,814     921,885    2,024,493   4,385,192


                Risk Rating b+                                             -       17,354           -       17,354
                Risk Rating ccc+                                           -        1,880           -        1,880
                Risk Rating ccc-                                           -      277,076           -      277,076
                                                                           -      296,310           -      296,310
                                                                    1,438,814   1,218,195    2,024,493   4,681,502
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