Page 201 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 201

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        199

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                                          Total  rM’000  1,013,168  748,997  953,681   11,502   366,008  160,258   27,394   1,074,513  150,137  300,209   4,805,867

                                       Other  assets   rM’000   -    -    -     -   -   -     -   -   -     -     -

                                   Net             -    -    -     -    -       -    -    -    -    -   -
                                     derivative    financial     instruments    rM’000

                                        Insurance   receivables   rM’000
                                                   -   -    -     -      -      -   -    -   -     -   -

                                 Gross  loans,    advances    and   financing    rM’000   1,013,168   748,997     721,697    11,502    278,313   160,258    12,238    1,074,513    150,137     -    4,170,823

                                       Financial     investments    rM’000  231,984   87,695   15,156   300,209   635,044
                                                  -   -           -            -       -     -

              FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
                                 Deposits and    placements    with banks and    other financial    institutions   rM’000  -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   -   -    -

                                       Cash and    bank    balances    rM’000   -    -     -    -    -    -    -     -    -    -    -
                  Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)  Industrial analysis Exposures to credit risk by industry are as follows:  On-balance sheet exposure  Group and Bank   Manufacturing   Construction    Transportation and    Storage   Professional, Scientific    and Technical    Activities    Electricity, Gas, Steam    and Air Conditioning    Supply    Accommodation and    Food Service    Activities   Agriculture, Forestry    and Fishing    Mining and quarrying   Real Estate Activities    Gover

              44.                              2022
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