Page 125 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 125

Section 06  Financial Statements

                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                    2020        2019
                                                                                                 RM’000       RM’000

                 Investments at FVOCI:
                   Unquoted debt securities                                                      779,295      769,696
                   Less: Allowance for expected credit losses                                    (101,110)    (101,192)
                                                                                                 678,185      668,504

                 Investments at amortised costs:
                   Unquoted debt securities                                                      601,274      607,180
                   Less: Allowance for expected credit losses                                    (113,908)    (71,242)
                                                                                                 487,366      535,938

                 Total financial investments                                                    1,165,551    1,204,442

                 Included in financial investments at FVOCI are investments in to meet the requirement of Sukuk Programme of the Group
                 amounting to RM139,719,294 (2019: RM160,036,300).

                 Movements in the expected credit losses on financial investments at FVOCI are as follows:
                                                                        Stage 1      Stage 2     Stage 3
                                                                                 Lifetime ECL    Lifetime
                                                                     12- months    not credit    ECL credit
                                                                           ECL      impaired    impaired    Total ECL
                                                                        RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000
                 At 1 January 2019                                           15            -     100,000      100,015
                 Allowance during the year                                1,177            -            -       1,177
                 At 31 December 2019/1 January 2020                        1,192           -     100,000      101,192
                 Written back during the year                               (82)           -            -         (82)
                 At 31 December 2020                                      1,110            -      100,000     101,110
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130