Page 184 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 184

182   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.   FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
              asset liability management (cont’d.)

              Measurement (cont’d.)
              The table below shows the Group’s and the Bank’s interest rate risk exposure based on contractual re-pricing gap (cont’d.):

                                               Less than    3 to 12      1 to 5    Over 5    Non-interest
              Group                             3 months    months       years      years       bearing      total
                                                rM’000      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000        rM’000     rM’000
              Cash and bank balances                  -          -           -          -        49,513     49,513
              Deposits and placement with banks
                and other financial institutions    3,126,776     -         -           -             -    3,126,776
              Financial investments at fair value
                through other comprehensive
                income                                -    302,787    310,838           -             -    613,625
              Financial investments at amortised
                cost                                  -           -    300,453    193,561             -    494,014
              Loans, advances and financing      83,585    889,243    1,050,041    631,686     647,006    3,301,561
              Derivative financial instruments    5,004          -     28,084      47,375            -      80,463
              Other assets                            -          -           -          -      147,847     147,847

              Total assets                    3,215,365    1,192,030    1,689,416    872,622    844,366    7,813,799

              Liabilities and equity
              Borrowings                        499,165    1,304,202    3,542,143    436,185          -    5,781,695
              Derivative financial instruments        -           -       999           -             -        999
              Other liabilities                       -          -          -           -      405,591     405,591
              Shareholders’ and Takaful participants
                fund                                  -          -           -          -     1,625,514    1,625,514
              Total liabilities and equity      499,165    1,304,202    3,543,142    436,185    2,031,105    7,813,799

              Period gap                      2,716,200    (112,172)   (1,853,726)    436,437    (1,186,739)     -

              Cumulative gap                  2,716,200    2,604,028    750,302    1,186,739          -          -
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