Page 190 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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188   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          44.   FINaNCIaL RISk MaNaGEMENT POLICIES (cont’d.)
              Liquidity risk management (cont’d.)

              Measurement (cont’d.)
              Table below analyses assets and liabilities of the Group’s and the Bank’s according to their contractual maturity (cont’d.):

                                                      On     Less than    3 to 12     1 to 5     Over 5
              Bank                                demand     3 months     months       years      years      total
                                                   rM’000     rM’000     rM’000      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000
              Cash and bank balances               28,986          -           -          -           -     28,986
              Deposits and placements with banks
                and other financial institutions        -    2,761,241    33,500          -          -    2,794,741
              Financial investments at fair value
                through profit or loss                  -           -          -          -      9,979       9,979
              Financial investments at fair value
                through other comprehensive
                income                                  -           -    160,767    116,503          -     277,270
              Financial investments at amortised
                cost                                    -          -     300,209          -     77,716     377,925
              Loans, advances and financing           290     70,766     427,267    1,493,053    1,026,268    3,017,644
              Derivative financial instruments          -           -     15,887          -           -     15,887
              Other assets                        206,849          -           -          -           -    206,849
              Total assets                        236,125    2,832,007    937,630    1,609,556    1,113,963    6,729,281

              Borrowings                                -    528,775    2,290,477    1,312,361    391,229    4,522,842
              Derivative financial instruments          -       1,944       934     161,522     19,504     183,904
              Other liabilities                   486,090           -          -          -           -    486,090
              Total liabilities                   486,090    530,719    2,291,411    1,473,883    410,733    5,192,836
              Net maturity mismatch              (249,965)   2,301,288   (1,353,781)    135,673    703,230    1,536,445
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