Page 144 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 144
142 A Vision to Serve Empowering Growth Management Discussion and Analysis
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Group and Bank
2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000
At amortised cost
Loans, advances and financing 4,696,267 4,681,502
Amount due from Export Credit Refinancing (“ECR”)* debtors 121,021 79,496
Staff loans 429 501
Gross loans, advances and financing 4,817,717 4,761,499
Less: Allowance for ECL on impaired loans, advances and financing:
- 12-month ECL - Stage 1 (127,306) (77,086)
- Lifetime not credit impaired ECL - Stage 2 (63,212) (200,736)
- Lifetime ECL credit impaired - Stage 3 (1,466,732) (1,466,033)
Net loans, advances and financing 3,160,467 3,017,644
* The amount represents block discounting of bills facility provided to participating banks in Malaysia granted under ECR
Scheme. The primary objective of the Scheme is for the promotion of Malaysian export by offering competitive rates to
banks participating in the ECR Scheme for onlending to exporters.
(i) Gross loans, advances and financing analysed by facility are as follows:
Group and Bank
2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000
Buyer Credit 870,949 888,088
Overseas Investment Financing 314,924 402,809
Term Financing 172,101 42,387
Overseas Project Financing 1,567,618 1,572,598
Supplier Credit 150,631 91,846
Revolving Credit-i 17,862 -
Export Finance-i - 6,008
Supplier Financing-i 134,533 348,085
Term Financing-i 849,021 753,675
Overseas Investment Financing-i 32,984 31,428
Overseas Contract Financing-i 93,371 51,750
Overseas Project Financing-i 455,503 469,916
Malaysian Kitchen Financing Facility (“MKFF”) 2,487 4,022
Malaysian Kitchen Financing Facility-i (“MKFF-i”) 1,345 1,374
ECR 102,325 79,496
ECR-i 18,696 -
Vendor Financing 884 442
Vendor Financing-i 32,054 17,074
Staff loans and advances 429 501
4,817,717 4,761,499